I focus instead on the light that steadily grown brighter on the horizon. The sun rises over the ocean on our left, slow and golden. The colours grow into vibrant oranges and yellows that paint over the lightening blue canvas. 

Tommy would have loved this. If Tommy was here he would have egged us all into a race to the end of the beach. He'd laugh and go as fast as he could and then whine about it when he lost inevitably to Techno since Carl is the fastest horse here. I smile at my imagination. 

Soon, I told myself. 


~~~~ Fundy's P.O.V ~~~~

The stack of documents in front of me seems to stare me down but I couldn't care less about them. Pattering rain on the window was the only sound in the room beside the ticking of the clock mounted on the wall behind me. Thank fuck Quackity had left to deal with something, I don't need him on my tail right now. I feel one of my ears twitch agitatedly, I force back a growl and smooth them down with my hands and readjust my hat. 

Nobody said anything. They're going to get Tommy back from the dead, and nobody so much as breathed Wilbur's name. Do they hate him that much? Most of the time I bend between the sides of hatred and... well whatever I felt before. 

I never got along with Wilbur. Not since I was a little kid. Once he turned his back on me I turned my back too. Why should I pine after the affections of a man who couldn't give a shit. Then he comes back as a ghost and thinks he has the right to try and be a part of my life. 

I push away from the desk and pace the space in front of it. I feel my tail flicking habitually behind me. I hated how everything physical about me gave away how I felt. I hate wearing my heart on my sleeve but no matter what I try I can't seem to rip it off. 

Wilbur wasn't the same before he died. I know that, we all know that. But at the least he deserved a mention, some form of consideration. Y/N loved him and she came up with the plan, Phil is his dad and my grandpa. Phil only seemed to be concerned with Tommy just like everybody else. 

Have they forgotten him?

Don't they think he deserves a second chance?

Foolish things, second chances. The hope that someone will change if you give them the opportunity to, but they don't think they did anything wrong. Second chances are a waste of time. So why do I feel like if Wilbur came back that he would be different? Why do I hope that maybe he'll want to be in my life even if I'm reluctant to let him in?

He wasn't always bad. He was only bad at the end. When I was a kid he was the best dad in the world. 

The rain grows heavier and starts smacking against the window instead of tapping the glass gently like before. Like rain on rocks, I think. A melody pops into my mind and I groan not wanting to think about it. 

It was a song Wilbur would sing when it rained. I was such a whimpy kid, I couldn't sleep during storms. I was always worried lightning would strike the lake where Sally lived. The simple melody persisted and I couldn't help but remember one of the times Wilbur sang it to me. Guiltily, I let myself enjoy it. 

Wilbur used to take me on adventures all the time as a kid. In reality, we barely went a few kilometres from the van. I was too weak to go far. One time we went further than usual and it started raining. 

Wilbur dragged us into a cave to keep dry. I fretted as we watched the storm outside the cave. I don't know how long it had been but it was getting late and I was growing tireder by the second. Wilbur told me to sleep but I couldn't because of the thunder. 

Forget-Me-Not (dreamxreader)Where stories live. Discover now