"Are you all right?"

"Jenna gave me the address of an apartment for rent, and I'm debating whether I should go look at it."

"Did she assist you?"

"Doesn't that sound crazy?"

"Well, it doesn't hurt to give it a shot."

"The price will most likely be too high, and they'll laugh at me."

"Do you give a damn?"

"Well, I guess I do."

"You shouldn't. Your friends will never mock you, and they are the only people who matter."

"You're correct."

"I can walk you there, but I can't accompany you in there; I have to leave."

"Isn't it your cousin's birthday?"

"Yes, it's a four-hour drive, so I'd like to leave as soon as possible, but I have time to keep you company as you walk to this location."

"Thank you, but I can do it myself; you should see your cousin."

"I'll see you in a couple of days."



I knocked on the door, eager to meet Jenna's friend. While waiting, I take a look around. It's a little dirty around here. I notice several cigarette butts near the door. It makes me nervous. A minute later, the door opens, revealing a tall, vascular man.

"Are you new?"


"This is the first time I've seen you here."

"I'm looking for a place to live."

"The boys will adore you."

"Love me?" The man looks at me up and down, finally settling on my rack.

"You're perfect."

"Perfect for what? Perfect for sleeping?" Is this a brothel? I start running away, but before I can get away, I notice a huge, bulky man staring at me.

"I want her," he says, and my heart skips a beat because those words sound so menacing.

"Do you want me? No, I'm not a prostitute!" I back away as he approaches at breakneck speed. My heart is pounding against my rib cage.

"She isn't a slut." At the very least, he's on my side. As I take another step back, my hands begin to sweat.

"I don't care." I start to run away, terrified, but the bulky guy follows me. Oh my God! So, what will I do?

I run as fast as I can because I don't have time to think, but the guy is faster and much bigger than me. I realize I can't outrun the man. I need a better strategy. I notice a gap in the fence and jump through it, hoping he can't follow me there. I look back, safe on the other side: the guy's bulky structure prevents him from passing through the small hole.

But that doesn't stop him from attempting to demolish the fence. Shivers run down my spine as I hear the fence creak. I try to hide, but there isn't enough room for me. My mind is racing to come up with a solution. Fear consumes my entire body, making it impossible for me to think clearly. I take a long, deep breath. I still have my phone. I can seek assistance. I take out my phone and examine the screen with trembling fingers. Jax has arrived at his cousin's house. But then there's Chase... I desperately look for Chase's phone number. I press the dial and wait for an eternity for him to pick up.

Midnight SeductionWhere stories live. Discover now