That intern is the ninth. Just one more to go. Had he changed his mind?

"Yla Lopez, too." I exhaled with relief. Before he mentioned my name, I was more nervous than I was aware of. I will remain.

"I'm sorry to the others, but this internship is over."

"That gave me such anxiety!"

"I know, right?" exclaimed Jax.

"Group hug?" Amie quickly hugs both of us before I can respond.

"I'll see about Drew." Amie immediately blends in among the group of ecstatic and distraught interns.

"I'm glad we both decided to stay."

"Me too." I feel like all the stress and tension are about to break my body! I have a tremendous urge to lean on and hug someone. Jax is close to me, but Amie is nowhere. I look across at Chase, who is speaking with Elena. I'd like to hug him and say thank you, but I'm unable to do so. Chase's gaze suddenly turns to me. My gaze veers to Chase, who is slicing Jax with daggers. He disapproves of Jax. Or perhaps he objects to the fact that I spend time with him?

"Is everything okay?" Jax asked.

"Mr. Dawson is giving you a stern look." Jax sighs as his eyes drift to Chase as I watch.

"I told you that he disliked me."

"Why would?"

"I did something he didn't like."

"What were you up to?"

"I'm delighted to stay, but it doesn't matter."

Drew follows Amie when she returns.

"Would you support a celebration of our internship?"

"Let's get the work done first."

"We were considering tomorrow."

"That sounds good."

"Jax, how about you?"

"I believe it is a fantastic concept, and I believe you should all visit my home."



I decide on a stylish floral print dress. I'm prepared to enjoy my internship! Jax unlocks the door and welcomes me into his residence. I survey his roomy living space.

"Wow, I had no idea you were wealthy."

"My parents are; I'm not."

"That's the same thing, right?"

"My parents wanted me to live in a decent area, but I refused their money."

"It's slightly above average." Jax chuckles as he fixes his appreciative gaze on me.

"Is there anything on my face?"

"You are flawless." As I blush and prepare to reply, a text notification on my phone chirps. Amie and Drew have left a message on my phone, informing me that they would be late.

"So, it's just you and me for the time being."

"I'm not even interested in learning what held them up."

"The answer is clear, but, honestly, I'm glad they're late. Would you mind helping me out while we wait for Amie and Drew?"

"Assisting you?"

"I made a cake, but it's not coming out very well," he said.

I suddenly notice that Jax has a new appearance. His face and hair are covered in flour. He had inches of bare skin beneath his unkempt, crumpled shirt. His collarbone and a small portion of his pectoral muscle are visible. I spit it out.

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