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Dally had me get some groceries for him since he was too lazy to get up. I knew he had a hangover from the way he held his head. So, I got some tylenol just in case he needed any.

I felt different, like someone was following me. I was almost home so I shrugged it off like it was nothing but then apart of me wanted to look back, so I did.

It was a Soc car. They were following me and I could see one had a beer in his hand. Drunks. What assholes they are. That's when I walked faster but everytime I did they would speed up their car.

I stopped and they stopped, finally getting out after a few seconds of me just standing there staring at them.

"What the hell do you want!" I screamed.
"You're the bitch I punched," The Soc said. "What a bitch you were to my friend here, Greaser"
"Stop following me you creeps!" I snarled.

One of them grabbed me and now I was being pinned down to the ground.

"Maybe this'll teach you a lesson girl," One says.

I saw the beer bottle and squeezed my eyes tight. They then started pouring alcohol on my face as then  I felt a sharp pain in my arm. I looked over slightly and saw they were slitting my wrists.

I screamed in pain. It hurt so much, and I could see the blood that was gushing out.

"Get the hell away from her!" I heard someone yell.

Then everything stopped, and the boys were driving away as I stayed laying on the ground.

"Oh my god!" I heard Dally yell.

I looked around and saw every single one of the group members.

I could barely feel my arm and tears were steaming down my cheeks.

"Darcy! Baby no," Johnny cried as he held me. I cried into his chest as the cuts were starting to not bleed so bad anymore.
"Jesus," I heard Two-Bit sigh.
"Are you okay Darcy?" Asked Darry.
"They poured alcohol all over me then cut my wrists, It hurts so much Darry," I weeped.
"I know Darcy, I know" He said.

I finally got courage to stand up but I knew my arm was going to start stinging soon and it did.

We all started walking towards the lot and couldn't even say one word to each other nor make any sort of noise. I stared at my arm a couple of times and it showed the amount of blood I had lost.

I looked at my arm until I couldn't anymore and then I found us at the lot already. Everyone took out their cigarettes and started lighting them. They put it up to their mouths and inhaled it before exhaling it.

I walked over to Johnny as he wrapped his arm around my waist. Then I rested my head on his shoulders. No one said a word but muffled a few sounds then it all stopped.

I looked at Johnny, his face seemed peaceful; like maybe he thought things were going to be okay. And damn I sure hope he was right.

Everyone finally said a word of goodbyes then we all went our separate ways. Except me and Dally, we walked home but still never said anything until we got to our porch.

"Tell me if they ever hurt you again, you're my kid sister and I don't need no rich pussies hurting you anymore" He wanted to be mad, I can tell he wanted to scream too. But he didn't, his face expressions and his voice said otherwise.

I only nodded at him in response and we walked into the house to sit on the couch. I walked to my room and stared out the window. I stayed in my room almost the rest of the day, and I never wanted to speak of this day ever again.

Greaser || Johnny CadeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin