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My brother was very overprotective of me when it came to the 'Soc' or sometimes his group of 'Greasers'.

His name is Dallas Winston, people called him "Dally". I liked that nickname to be honest, and it stuck. There were times where he'd leave me alone in the house to deal with business I'll never know about. Our parents weren't around much, until they weren't around at all. There were plenty of fights. But I got my blonde hair from what my momma has said, 'when your grandmother was young'.

I'm sixteen, Dally is just a year older than me. He always find ways to piss me off sometimes. But then there's Johnny Cade. I rarely spoke to him since Dally always found ways to take him. He was pretty cute too. But I don't think Dally would like that.

"Darcy," Dally yelled.
"What!" I yelled back.
"Come in here!" He said.

I walked out of my room to see Dally, Ponyboy, Sodapop, and the rest of the boys sitting on the couch enjoying their beer.

"Do you want to go see a movie tonight?" He asks.
"Seriously?" I asked him. "That's what you interrupted me for?"
"What were you even doin'?" He asks.
"Looking about magazines" I said.
"Oh enough with that bullshit. Hey come with us we're going to go get something to eat" He laughs.

I rolled my eyes at his remark and walked away with the rest of the boys. Usually they'd get bored and fuck around with people or they'd go to town and eat at the local diner.

I could feel my legs growing a little bit tired but finally we found ourselves on the porch of Johnny's house. I had to sit on the swing and wait.

"Hey guys what do you want?" Johnny asks.
"Cmon' man, we're going to take a walk down the street" Two-Bit says.

Dally grabs Johnny by the neck and they start walking.

"So Darcy, how have you been?" Asks Johnny.

It has been a while since I've seen Johnny. Mainly when school let out on summer break just a week ago.

"Pretty good Johnny, how about you?" I smiled.
"Could be better," He said.
"Okay here we are" Sodapop says, breaking the silence.

We sat ourselves in a booth. I sat by Ponyboy, Two-Bit, and Johnny. Dally sat by Sodapop, Darry, and Steve.

"So how are you holding up after you know, Sylvia?" Asks Darry.

Sylvia cheated on Dally while he was out in prison. I still can recall the look on his face when he found out. His eyes sparkled with hatred.

"You know Darry, I'm doing pretty good," Dally smiles. "I got all my amazing friends and sister here, that's pretty much everything I need"

All of the boys laughed as we finally got our food. I ordered a plain simple cheeseburger with their vanilla milkshakes. I used to get those when I was younger, they've been the bomb ever since.

"Has any of the Socs tried messing with you Ponyboy?" Asks Steve.
"No other than that one time they cut me" He answered with a mouthful of food in his mouth.

By looking at Johnny I knew he was nervous. His hands were trembling, and he could barely touch his food. Poor guy.

I nudged his side to get his attention.

"Are you okay?" I whispered.
"Yeah Darcy don't worry 'bout me, I-I'll be alright" He stuttered.

I nodded at him and then ate the rest of the time. As we talked about the Socs and how they're white trash.

But the rest of the time we walked around town spreading trouble. Dally, who hates kids for some odd reason, found ways to scare them off. But I was different from him. I actually wanted to have children as I grew older.

Now here I was on my bed again, reading some magazines. I wanted to be like Jean Shrimpton honestly. She's pretty, and never lets a man bring her down. She's fierce, and I wish I could be the same. Dally always tried bringing my confidence up but that just never works for him. So he gave up.
'Women are hard sometimes' he said.

I looked out of my window at the stars before closing my magazine and pulling myself under the covers falling into a deep deep sleep.

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