I Thought You Were Dead

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Bella and I ran up the stairs and entered the door to the house. Everything was dark until I switched on a light. Both Bella and I jumped in surprise to see Alice's beautiful pale face in the kitchen doorway, right next to us. Though she looks positively confused and terrified to see us.

    "Alice?" I said being the first one to get out of my state of shock. I jumped into her arm's and hugged her tightly.

    "Alice!" Bella joined in.

    "(Y/n), Bella?" Alice looked at us shocked.

    "What are you? I'm sorry, I just— I can't believe you're here." Bella stammered in disbelief as we both backed off from her.

    "Would you like to explain to me how you're both alive?" She exclaimed. Bella and I both furrowed our eyebrows at her word's.

    "Huh?" I questioned her.

    "I saw a vision of you two. You jumped off a cliff! Why in the hell would you try to kill yourself's? What about Charlie?" She scolded.

    "We didn't..." I said quietly.

    "We weren't trying to kill ourselves. It's called Cliff jumping... It was fun." Bella offered up a explanation for our actions. Alice scoffed.

    "I have never met another pair of people more prone to life threading idiocy!" Alice scolded us, leading to the living room.

    "Did you... tell?...." Bella stuttered trying to ask curiously. Alice glanced at Bella sadly and to me almost curiously. I looked back at her confused.

    "Edward, no. I didn't. He only calls to check in every few months. Said he wanted to be alone." Alice explained to her, making her face drop.

    "And..." I choked on my words.


A voice I hadn't heard in 6 months called out to me. One I honestly thought I'd never hear again. It was a deep sultry sounding voice. I almost didn't even want to turn my head to look. Fearing that it was just my mind was playing some kind of sick trick on me. I shut my eyes tightly and turned my head towards the kitchen. I slowly open my eyes, to peek. Only to meet a pair of golden orbs looking back at me. There he stood in all his glory. Emmett Cullen. A large, built, man with dark hair, paler than pale skin. I froze in my spot on the couch. Unable to move, unable to speak, unable to cry or yell.

    "I think she's in shock." Bella whispered to Alice. Bella nudged me gently taking me out of my frozen state.

    "Emmett? Is that really you?" I whispered quietly. He just nodded in response unsure of how I was going to react.

    "It's really him, (Y/n)." Alice said with a bright smile.

Everything in me screamed. I wanted to yell at him for breaking my heart. I wanted to cry because even if it was just for today, seeing him again was so amazing. I stood up doing the one thing I really wanted. Running over to Emmett jumping into his welcoming, open arm's. Emmett held me tightly around the waist and lifted me off the floor. My leg's curling around him and my hand's wrapping around the back of his neck. I buried my face into the crook of his neck. I couldn't even bring myself to cry in this moment. I was just so happy to see him, to feel his arms around me again. Emmett placed me back down and placed his hand's on my cheeks. The familiar cold large hands, I missed so much. I leaned into his touch.

His face scrunched slightly.

    "I really hate this to be the first set of word's coming out of my mouth after seeing you again. But what is that god-awful wet dog smell?" He asked.

Our Eternity : Emmett Cullen x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant