xi. Artificial Life II

Start from the beginning

    "This is politics, Phil," replied the General. "Which means politicians. They are a festering cesspool of toxic-waste fires. You swim in those waters, you could get pulled under."

    "You and the Director can handle it," Talbot scoffed again at those words, but nodded. "We'll handle the rest. May, you with us?" Coulson turned to the Cavalry, who blinked, a frown etching onto her features.

    Whatever trance she had been in, she snapped out of it. Leaning forward, she gave a stern nod. "Always."

    With the meeting adjourned, the group of them travelled downstairs to the common room. Clara stayed with Jemma and Daisy, discussing in soft murmurs the plan. She and Simmons were to stay here with May for back end, but Clara was still whispering constant good luck to Daisy, sort of wishing she could be there with her.

    Waiting for them, yawning and looking as though he had just woken up, Leith sent a loose wave and smile under a lazy attempt fluff of strawberry blonde curls. "Goodmorning, gov'nahs, could I help yeh to a cup of tea?"

    Daisy frowned at him as they reached the bottom of the stairs. "You're a weirdo," she stated and Leith just shrugged, taking a sip of his jasmine tea. "You're already British, why do you put on an accent?"

    "Protest," stated Clara's brother simply, moodily pointing at his cheek for Simmons to kiss.

    Jemma rolled her eyes and instead poked his cheek which made him pout. "Work hours," she scolded him but had a smile on her face nonetheless.

    "Not even a good luck one?"

    Clara left them be, following Daisy into the kitchen where she went to make herself a tea. Her friend slipped in beside her, propping her elbows onto the bench. "You know," she said as she watched Simmons take a sip of Leith's jasmine tea as he slapped his cheeks, trying to wake up for his mission, "I originally didn't see it. But now ... it's like, they're weirdly perfect for each other."

    Roy fixed her non-caffeine tea from one of her father's stash that she constantly refilled, even now, turned on the kettle and searched for a tea strainer in the drawers. "I think they balance each other out very well. Leith's matured a lot, and Simmons━"

    "Has loosened up?"

    "You put it in such a negative way," frowned Clara. "I was going to say is less anxious when it comes to scheduling things. She sort of lets some things happen, now."

    Daisy just smirked, playful. Then, a thought occured, "Hey, is Fitz joining for back end?"

    Clara shook her head, leaning against the bench with her as she waited for her water to boil. "No ... you know Fitz ... he needs a little more time to himself when he's processing things. And he's been processing quite a lot recently. I just have to be patient with him, and supportive, but also try to reason ... it's complicated, but I've learnt how to be there for him when he's like this since the Academy."

    Still chatting by the table, Jemma checked her watch for the time, knowing they should be probably going to get ready. "You need to finish that tea, Leith," she glanced at him, "you have to be on a quinjet in ten."

    She watched him sigh, suddenly his serious self as he set the tea aside and leaned a hand onto the table. Jemma tilted her head, ready to listen as he muttered, "Don't you think this is risky? I mean, so much could go wrong, and then we'll be in bad waters."

    Jemma pursed her lips, very much agreeing. "Believe it or not, I said those exact words in the meeting━it being risky, I mean. But Coulson has his mind set on this, and I suppose, if it works, we'll be a big step above Nadeer and her plans. I guess you have to outway the risks with the possibilities."

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