xi. Artificial Life II

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chapter eleven

(April 17th, 2017
The Playground, Classified)

    "WE HAVE to show the world who she really is."

    Talbot scoffed at Coulson's words, "And it's well past time. Daisy now represents S.H.I.E.L.D. Everything has to be above board."

    Sitting at the briefing table inside Director Mace's office, the group consisting of Coulson, May, the Director, Simmons, Roy, Daisy and Talbot discussed the Sokovia Accords for their very own Agent Quake.

    "But marching into the Capitol Building so Daisy can sign the Sokovia Accords?" frowned Simmons. "Senator Nadeer will be there. It seems risky."

    General Talbot leaned forward in his chair, trying to be intimidating, however, since his last━and very recent━run-in with Agents Simmons and Roy, he would be wrong not to be intimidated by them. Before he could say anything, however, Mace spoke up. Roy arched a brow at him, not very happy. But he was still here because Coulson believed in him. And she trusted Coulson━he believed in her, as well, and if it weren't for him, Roy would never be where she was now. "We're all aware of the dangers, some of us more than others."

    Daisy smiled at Simmons, "I'm fine with it, Jemma," she said.

    "Are you?" then countered Clara, turning to her friend sitting beside her. "It doesn't seem like you. And Coulson, you're letting her━" she rounded on the former Director, "━that's not like you, either."

    She waited for an explanation, knowing full well there was some sort of plan behind this. Coulson's lips quirked up into an amused smile, as if prepared for Clara to figure it out. Like she said, she knew him very well. So, he said, "With Nadeer and her staff in the meeting, we have an opportunity."

    Talbot stared at him, alarmed. "What opportunity? I wasn't briefed on any opportunity."

    Coulson shrugged, "While Nadeer's in with Daisy, Yo-Yo, Leith and I will get into her office and plant surveillance."

    Daisy nodded, "We can finally keep an eye on her, figure out her next move."

    "What?" exclaimed the General, before shaking his head vigoriously. "No! No. No, there'll be no planning, no eyeing, no dream-surfing━" dream-surfing? Thought Clara off-handedly, that's a new one. Better tell Leith, that, "━no Yo-Yo-ing. S.H.I.E.L.D. is now legitimate! we have to remain above reproach."

    Coulson arched a brow, "You mean like juicing our Director so he can pretend to be Inhuman?" Talbot sat back, as if not sure whether to be taken aback or offended. "Look, you were reacting to the situation we had. You put Jeffrey in place, I understand, but we're S.H.I.E.L.D. We have to proactive."

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