Chapter 15: Return

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Hanji's POV

"Good news! Levi's being discharged 3 months earlier than planned! He should be home on the 5th! I'll bring him home alone."

I hugged that letter from Onyankonpon. My baby bump has begun showing already and I couldn't wait for him to come home. Taking a look at myself, I laughed a bit. I've been acting like those girls who jump for joy when their loved one comes home. I'm usually much more professional. I think it's either the baby or my professionalism is dissolving because I'm no longer in a position requiring me to be professional.

Failure after failure, I went into town to buy a cake to celebrate his return. But when he came... he seemed to ignore me...

"Levi! How was it?" Were the first words to come out of my mouth. But Levi didn't answer me. "Onyankonpon, what's going on?"

"I don't know. He's been eager to come home ever since he landed in Marley." Onyankonpon looked at me a little weird, "You seem a little different."

"It's been a while since you saw me." I chuckle, trying to think of ways to hide the hump. At least it isn't too noticeable. "Would you like to stay a bit longer, Onyankonpon?"

He shook his head. "No, I have to return to Armin. There are still some war plans that need to be discussed. I have to be there. And before you ask, Hanji, because I know you would ask, Levi is considered to be retired. Hence why he's not attending the meetings."

"Oh..." Why can't there be peace...? "I hope everything will be alright..."

"We'll handle it, Hanji. Right now, you two are retired people living alone. You guys have done a lot for the Survey Corps and to the world. I'll leave you guys alone." Onyankonpon gave a gentle bow with his head before walking out of the cabin.

Hurriedly, I walked to Levi's wheelchair, but he decided to move himself to his room.

"Levi..." I sighed, following him. "What's going on? Tell me." He ignores me for a few more minutes. Question after question began to flow out of my mouth, and Levi never answered a single thing. I wondered if something happened over there that I'm not aware of... because Levi would never act like this way unless it was serious.

He was struggling to make dinner... and when I tried to help, he finally snapped at me.

"Why are you trying to ruin my life?!"

"Ruin? Levi, I'm not trying to ruin anything!"

"Just the sight of you is painful enough, Hanji! Just... just leave me alone."

Flickering rage began to ignite inside of my heart. I felt the heat brushing my chin and turning my ears red. "Leave you alone? What the hell happened to you in Marley?"

"You're dead..."

"I'm not! I've proven that I'm not dead! What proof do you need?"

Levi closed his eyes as his heart slowly poured out. "You were there in Marley with me... day after day... you kept coming to me... telling me that you were dead... that I've been going insane. I'm believing that you're alive just to make me feel better. I don't know what's the truth and what's the lie... how do I know that I'm not hallucinating...?"

I take his hands, feeling the fiery rage dying down. I remember his fears of believing that I'm nothing but a figment of his imagination. Maybe he shouldn't have gone down to Marley and gotten those prosthetics...

"Levi, tell me, do I feel like a hallucination?" He shook his head. "No?" I lifted my shirt a bit to place his hand gently on my stomach. "Does that feel like a hallucination?"

"I... you told me the baby wasn't real."

"The baby is real, Levi. Look, it's growing. If it wasn't real, then this bump on my stomach wouldn't have existed. If it wasn't real, I wouldn't have changed. Tell me, if I was a ghost or some sort of figment of your imagination, what would you want me to look like? Tell me."

"When you didn't lose your eye... when you were whole..."

"Now look at me in the eyes." He does so, and I saw both of his milky white eye and his silver eye. "Do I have both eyes?" I then take off my eyepatch, knowing that there was only nothing but crude stitching to protect my eye from infection. Though that was now healed, it's still an ugly scar to look at.

"No..." He whispers under his breath.

"You're not hallucinating... you're here with me... I'm alive... don't worry..." I kissed his forehead, pulling his head gently against my stomach. "Don't worry, Levi... I'm not slipping from your fingers this time..."

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