Chapter 10: Sun and Moon

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Levi's POV

Jolting awake, I felt myself growing cold. My heart pounding as I struggled to look around the room. I was still in the bedroom... was I having a nightmare. Looking to my left, Hanji wasn't in bed with me. It's still dark outside...

To my right, I saw Hanji and... that box... that stupid box. Looking around, I found the syringe next to my arm. Quickly, I picked it up and stared at it with the dim light from the moon. The liquid was still there... Hanji didn't inject me with it...

I put it on the nightstand, sighing in relief. Was it so bad that I could've died...? Is that why Hanji pulled the syringe back out from its hiding spot? 

"L-Levi..." I turned back to her, seeing her rubbing her eyes. "Levi... you're up... are you okay?"

"What happened?"

"You started foaming at the mouth, so I tried to get you to breathe. Once you were able to breathe, I went down into the town to get Dr. Annis. I don't know what caused it... but Dr. Annis said that it was the medicine. She reported it to the Military Police, and they confiscated all of your medications."

"I'm not taking any more medications then."

"But you do-."

"Doesn't one of the books say anything about plants killing pain?"

Hanji nods, "Yes, there are some. But-."

"Just until the Military Police figures out what happened. Maybe I should get them from Marley. Add that to the list to Onyankonpon."

She quickly leaves the room and I laid back down, looking at the moon. That moon always changes... but it's always there. Even when the moon goes invisible, it's always there. "You're the moon..."

"What was that?" Hanji comes back into the room, tilting her head. "What about the moon?"

"You're the moon..." I repeated, beckoning her to come back to bed. "You're always with me... even when it seems you're not here with me. Sometimes, when you're happy... you gleam like the sun. I know we said we shouldn't bring up titans again... but that's when I saw you the happiest. You would always lose sleep just to find the truth. You would ramble to everyone about your discoveries... only a handful of people understood what you were trying to say."

Hanji climbs back into bed, chuckling at the old memories. "I do remember a few Scouts telling me that I should give up on my research. Then suddenly, they would apologize the next day. It was strange, don't you think so?"

Right... I do remember those Scouts... I remember tying them up next to her captured titans and leaving them overnight. Since those titans wouldn't function without the sun, they were safe. Even so, I checked upon them to make sure they weren't dead. In the morning, I dragged them out and I said that Hanji's research is what kept them alive. I ordered them to apologize to her and if they ever said a word about what happened that night, I'll keep them alone again with those same titans.

"Levi, that's weird, right?"

"Y-Yeah... weird... maybe they saw the importance of your research. Even though you wanted to study these things... you treated them humanely. It's upsetting we saw the truth too late."

"But why did you bring up the moon?"

"The moon's beautiful tonight... just like you..."

"I wouldn't say beautiful is the right word to describe me-."

"Then you'll be the odd one in the sea of stars. You're the one that gleams brightly and helps people with your light. Even when the stars were beautiful and twinkle, the moon is always there. Even when it goes dark on some days, you're never gone fully."

Hanji chuckles, "Then if I'm the moon, then you're the sun."

"How am I the sun?"

"You'll always be there for me..." She turns over in bed to face me, and we just stared at each other's eyes. Being half-blind, I can understand things just a little bit from her eyes. We're both half-blind, and yet, we can't see the truth. "When the rain comes, I know you're just behind those clouds. When our worse days end, a rainbow will shine. That is when we know peace is here. You always brighten my gleam in the night."

"What do you mean?"

"Marley did research on the moon and the sun. The moon reflects light from the sun, hence how the moon gets its light. Without you, Levi... I wouldn't be the odd one out from our sea of stars."

I leaned into her, kissing her lips. She didn't push me away- probably because I had another close encounter with death. She kissed me back, and I felt whole again. I never want to let her go... 

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