Chapter 11: Shock

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Levi's POV

"Any luck on the medications?" I asked after Dr. Annis examined me again.

Dr. Annis gave a soft laugh, shaking her head. "That's the 5th time I heard you ask that question, Levi."

"It has been 5 months since I got poisoned from those medications. Don't I have every right to know if there are any improvements on the case?" I hissed at her before I calmed down. "My apologies."

"All I know was that it was tainted by drugs. According to the Military Police, they're investigating new information about people hiding drugs through medications. Unfortunately, yours was one of the tainted ones. How have you been surviving without painkillers?"

"Onyankonpon got me some from Marley. And Hanji has been finding plants outside as well. We have a small garden growing in the back for them."

"Speaking of her, I haven't seen her lately."

"She's been getting headaches recently." I began to pull down the sleeves of my pants to cover my wounds.

Dr. Annis sighed, picking up her things. "Why haven't you contacted me about her headaches?"

"It's just headaches. You also said you were my doctor to check up on my injuries. We didn't think you would also check up on Hanji."

"For one, I'm the only doctor that will come up here to check up on you two since you both wanted to be left alone." She points to the bedroom room before looking back at me. "Is she in there?"


"Do you mind if I disturb her? I want to do a routine check-up on her as well."

I nodded my head, pushing myself towards the fireplace for the kettle of hot water. "I don't mind at all."

"It'll only take a few minutes."

*   *   *

It took a bit for my tea to cool down for me to drink from. I thought I'll never have black tea again until Onyankonpon provided me with a few plants for black tea leaves. Now, I can have them every day. With Hanji's books, we were able to figure out when we pick them and when we dry them, and when we can use them.

Just as I was about to take a sip, I heard Hanji's loud, "What?!" booming from the room. Quickly, I put the cup down before hurriedly racing to her room. 

"Hanji? What's going on?"

I pushed the door open to see Hanji clutching her stomach. She quickly looks at me with an embarrassed look. "O-Oh... Levi... uhhh..."

"If I had known you were in an intimate relationship, I could've checked up on you two sooner." Dr. Annis sternly talks to both of us. "If you don't mind, I'll come back up to check on Hanji again."

"What's going on?" My question seemed to have gotten lost in the chaos.

"Levi... Dr. Annis says I might be pregnant...? Which doesn't make sense-."

"It does make sense, Hanji."

"Dr. Annis," I began, wheeling myself closer to Hanji, "if she is pregnant... can you not tell Onyankonpon?"

"Of course I won't, Levi. It's a violation of Hanji's privacy to reveal she's pregnant. But are you sure? Onyankonpon should know about this-."

Hanji shook her head. "We just want you to know, Dr. Annis. Besides... as much as Onyankonpon has been nice to us, I don't want him to keep buying stuff for us. I remember we had a conversation that when he's around kids, he would spoil them because it's a kid's right to be happy."

Hanji and Onyankonpon have talked about kids? Why am I the last one to know that?

"He is kind and generous like that. But this doesn't change my mind- starting tomorrow, I'll be doing weekly checkups on you, Hanji. Just to ensure that the baby will be fine. As the months' progress, can I ask for permission to stay in this cabin? Because of Levi's injuries and the only person to run into town is pregnant, staying in the cabin until after the baby is born would help me ensure nothing goes wrong."

We both nodded in agreement.

"Oh, and another thing," she continued, "please tell me when you guys are active so I can accurately estimate when you will give birth. As well as it'll help me determine when Hanji can eat certain foods. Hanji, as your doctor, no more wine."

I doubt she would ever want to drink wine ever again after the thing with Falco and the spinal fluid. That was something else she loved that she couldn't enjoy anymore. Honestly, I think that's good. I would hate having that smell lingering in the cabin when I'm trying to sleep.

*   *   *

Dr. Annis left, and I stayed in the room with Hanji. Her hand slowly caressed her stomach as she shook her head in disbelief. We all said it was just headaches... and we thought it was a bit of the aftermath of the serum she took. Never a pregnancy.

"Levi..." She says softly, pulling the blanket over her head. Reminds me of when we wore those Survey Corps capes... pulling it over our faces to hide our expression. Sometimes it was bad because it could hinder our eyesight when we were on the search for titans, but it was perfect in the rainy weather. "This is... unbelievably quick... don't you think so?"

"I guess so... but I guess we aren't going to be alone for too long... I know we agreed to be alone in this cabin, but-."

"As long as they aren't people who would question why I'm alive again or how you're surviving... I'm fine with the company."

Maybe I'm not ready for this...

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