Toga was still in shock form Big Sis Magne's death and Compress's missing arm, but she wiped the blood from her face and entered Shigaraki's room, where she found Tori curled up and covering her head with the blanket.

Tori looked up, her eyes were filled to the brim with tears as she ran over to Toga and hugged her. Toga smiled softly. "Is Shigaraki okay? What happened? Who was that man? What was that noise? Are you okay Toga?" Tori  questioned before breaking down into tears. Toga tightened her grip.

"I'm sorry Tori. Big Sis died and Compress lost an arm. Everyone else is fine, though. I'll cut them someday! Those Hassaikai bastards!" Toga let go of Tori and Tori saw Toga's anger. Tori bawled even more. Toga attempted in comforting her with a gorey description of how she was going to kill the man who killed Magne and hurt Mr. Compress even though it was obvious it wasn't working.


Shigaraki went into his room later that day. Toga was in the common room eating snacks but Tori remained in his room, curled up in a ball of blanket.

"What are you all sad for? You barely even knew Magne, and Compress is still alive." Shigaraki leaned in the doorway. Tori peeked out of the blanket. "Why aren't you sad? Oh yeah. Villains are use to that  happening." Tori turned away sadly. Shigaraki was hurt by Tori's words. He sat on the bed and laid down.

"Oh come on, don't be like that. I'm pissed  too. Those bastards think they can just get away with what they did? I'll make overhaul  pay, don't worry Tori." Shigaraki closed his eyes in frustration. Tori sniffed.

"It's not the same! Being pissed and being sad are not the same thing! I don't want to 'make them pay' I want them to apologize for what they did! I don't want violence anymore, I don't want people dying for stupid reasons! Do we have to be villains to get what we want? Do we have to do it in such a violent way? I don't want to be a villain Tomura! I- I don't wanna kill people..." Tori broke down into tears. Shigaraki couldn't help but embraced her. He took her into his arms a clutched her close to his chest.

"I-I'm sorry Tori. You don't have to be like me, okay? You can do whatever you like, be whoever you want to be! I honestly don't want you to end up like me... Please, Tori, I'm really sorry you have to get caught up in my problems!" Tomura couldn't hold it in anymore. The girl had gone through so much because of him. Sometimes he thought he did Tori more bad than good. Sometimes he thought she would be better off with the police taking her in...

No, the police could not be trusted. That bitch Eto probably had someone there to give Tori back to her. Tori was Shigaraki's kid to take care of and protect, no one else could have her. Shigaraki buried his head in Tori's blanket.

Tori peeked out of her blanket to face Shigaraki. She grabbed Tomura as tightly as she could. Shigaraki hated when he cried in front of Tori, though it was nice being able to let his emotions free once in awhile.

The door opened quietly, Shigaraki and Tori didn't even hear them as they stepped in.

"Hey-oh, um... Sorry to interrupt your little hartwarming moment." They both turned to see Dabi in the doorway. He closed the door behind him and hopped onto the bed to hug them both.

"Didn't know Magne's death was so awful that even you got the waterworks going Shigaraki." Dabi commemted as he intruded Tomura's space. Shigaraki pushed him away with three fingers.

"Cut it out you idiot and don't tell anyone about what you saw!" Shigaraki wiped his tears away and let go of Tori. She sat cross-legged with a blanket over her shoulders as she watched the two men quirrle. Dabi was trying to comfort Tomura as Tomura tried to push him away. "Oh? Another secret to keep? Sure thing babe~" Dabi  nuzzled Tomura in the crook of his neck with his nose. "You're awfully horny for someone who just saw a someone die." Shigaraki hissed and put a palm on Dabi's head to pry him off.

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