15 | Red Rose Petal

Start from the beginning

The field was full of flowers, any kind of flower you could think of was here. I noticed that their were more red and white roses then any other flowers

A stream ran straight threw the field. The rushing water was clear as a swimming pools water, rocks and shiny stones lay at the bottom of it

I looked up at the sky, there were no clouds in sight. This place was peaceful, to peaceful. I looked at the stream and spotted a red and white roses on a tiny island in the center of the stream

The two flowers twisted around each other, like they were hanging on for dear life. A small piece of the tiny island broke off by a rough current and the red rose was drowned in the shallow stream

I looked back at the white rose to see it drooping. Then a thorn bush started growing around it, the thorn bush was protecting the white rose from the water but also hurting it at the same time

Small thorn grew and pricked into the side of the white rose. And suddenly a sharp pain nipped up my side, i growled and grabbed my side my teeth gritted

This pain was sharp as a thorn and as more thorns spread around the flower and stuck into it the more pain i felt. I feel to my knees in pain, it was all over my body now

Just then a red petal flew threw the wind and landed on top of the thorn bush, at that same moment a felt a gental hand on my shoulder. It seemed me and the white rose were sharing the same pain

As the red petal fell on the thorn bush and thorn bush started dying, it shrunk back into the ground it was like it was never their. The sharp pains on my body were now gone and i looked up at the hand on my shoulder and saw


Her eyes were as bright and full of love as they always were before she died. She kneeled down next to me and smiled sweetly

I looked back at the white flower to see the red petal gently floating down and landing on the white rose, it landed perfectly so that it looked like that one red petal belonged with the white rose

I looked back at Crimson and saw she was now laying down the on grass, looking up at the blue sky. I laid down next to her and followed her eyes

She was staring blankly at the beautiful blue sky like she was in deep thought, before she spoke her voice was clear and calm but stearin at the same time "wake up!"

Why did she sound so, manly? I sat up and looked at her in confusion she did the same. She stared deeply into my eyes before repeating the words but more loud "WAKE UP!" I flinched

Then she pulled my face close and kissed me passionately, but then my eyes shot open

My face was covered in sweat i tried to move my hands to wipe my face but they didn't move. I looked up and saw I'm in chains?!? I thought. My brains swirled as i looked around

The walls and floor were stone and cold. There was a wooden stair case leading upwards, the stairs look rotted and old

I saw in the corner of the room their was a table with some science stuff on it. I continued to try to remember how i got here when a male voice came from up the stairs

"S-sir maybe splashing her with water will wake her up! There's on need to harm her!" A quivering male voice spoke first then a more deep one replied "i will harm her when i want to, OUT OF MY WAY!" The voices grew louder as they continued down the stairs

Then a tall male, looked to be 6'3, came down the stairs first then followed a shorter male with scarred eyes. The taller man was wearing a suit and a black mask and sunglasses covering his face, while the shorter male was wearing a ragged t-shirt and some dirty gray pants

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