Chapter Fifteen

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A busy life makes prayer harder, A prayer makes a busy life easier.


Sadiq laughed and agreed with Fatuma's statement making Salma to sigh in relief. "Alright, I'll let you enjoy your meal—Please come by often—if you can" he smiled and walked away. Salma phew-ed and moved her gaze from his retreating figure to Fatuma.

"He is the one, right?" She asked Salma while crossing her legs.

"How did you know?"

Fatuma had a smug look on her face, "Are you kidding? I saw you two giving eachother weird looks" she turned and looked at Sadiq again then turned the ice in her drink with a straw then sipped, she said "Not bad"

"Him or the drink?"

"The drink." She said simply and Salma was afraid Fatuma might reject Sadiq, out of curiosity she asked "What do you think of him?"

She shrugged making Salma more on edge, she hated to be the bad news bearer and if Fatuma did reject Sadiq, she would still have to be the one to tell him. She groaned, "Do you think he's cute?"

"Maybe" she shrugged again.

"Will you give him a chance then?"


Salma's heart skipped a beat until Fatuma added, "Not until I know him well"

"So you're saying, you will give him a chance if you get to know him better"


"Oh thank God" Salma couldn't contain her excitement. "So when are you free? we'll plan when you both and I  are going on a date"

"And you?"

"Yeah, to make sure you don't crush his fragile ego with your blunt responses"

Fatuma rolled her eyes and nodded, the bill was brought and Salma offered to pay for both of them. They walked out together planning what time to meet and where that weekend. They finally agreed to attend a polo match together because Salma confirmed that Sadiq also liked horses so he definitely wouldn't mind.

Fatuma stepped into her car and Salma receded back to inform Sadiq what they planned. Like she had guessed, he was okay with the place and time. They chit-chatted for a while before she also left because it was getting dark and her days of staying out late was exclusively over because, Daddy was now home and she will surely receive an earful if she stayed past Isha, it was a curfew ordered by her overly security conscious parents, though, she herself doesn't like staying out late as well.

When she reached home, she prayed, showered, changed into a comfortable chiffon gown and went down stairs to spend time with her family. Sitting alone meant only one thing, giving the devil a room to make her mind his workshop.

She sat close to Hadiza, after she had said her Salam and greeted her parents. Daddy told them that one of his contacts informed him that Jamb results had been released, she got nervous. What if she had failed again.

Hadiza announced that, candidates can check their results on their phones without going to the Internet Cafe. All they needed to do was add their registration number and see their results. Their mother urged them to check it then and there, making Salma's gut to churn.

She had excused herself to get her slip from her room, since she doesn't know her registration number off head unlike Hadiza that was smart enough to save it in her phone's notepad. She rested her hands on her waist and began whispering to herself.

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