Chapter Five

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Salma assumed the wedding would be grand and their tradition might be something she had never seen but was surprised when an elderly woman that she came to realize was a relative in the house told her that all the food was for their other relatives that are on their way to Abuja from many states Salma didn't care enough to remember.

She had then understood what Safiyya meant, when she said they just needed a few servers. There would be no theme or anything of that sort and Salma was more than glad to know that, she wouldn't have to spend money on tiny stuff like appetiser plates or even cocktail picks.

And also, the tradition they meant was their family thing.  All (maybe without some) would gather a week or two before their child or grandchild's wedding to reunite and catch up on things Salma wouldn't say she had an idea of. She was just a caterer offering her service. It was even Safiyya's idea that buying food in large amount is alot easier than preparing it in the guest house.

People like Adam in their family usually complain about not being convinced that the maids were hygienic enough. Salma was more than glad her mother's restaurant was trusted, but she was on her own using only the restaurant's name. If it wasn't her mother's, she would definitely by charged with plagiarism.

She sighed, and counted the white ceramic plates on the long table she set up at the space she was directed to by the elderly woman that had given her information she hadn't asked for. They were a total number of twenty-eight, the rest would arrive with Sadiq. The backyard was spacious and carpets were rolled and kept for those that would love to enjoy the serenity of the place.

She re-adjusted the tray that held samosas and relaxed. She drum her fingers on the table, contemplating whether to call Malik or not. She did. She was lucky he picked on the first ring.

Meanwhile, Adam sighted Salma from the window in his room when he stood to his feet to stretch his back. He stopped what he was doing and moved closer to the window to have a proper look, she was wearing a modestly sown Ankara with a medium sized veil hanging from her right shoulder to her wrist. He smiled to himself and quickly got dressed and rushed out of his room.

His cousins would arrive in a few hours, even though he doesn't get along with most of them, they still stay together to get on eachother's neck. He slowed his pace when he reached the backyard, he got close enough to hear her stammer as she talked on the phone.

She hung up the call with a heavy heart only for her to hear someone whisper 'Hajiya' and her heart almost jumped from chest. 'Did I scare you?' He asked.

Of course, you hooligan!

She thought, as her mind went back to how he laughed at her in her mother's office for biting her tongue while trying to impress them, then to when he treated her like a dummy at his sister's place and thereafter messing with her mind by saying something about biology, she frowned deeply at him while he smiled with a hint of mischief in his eyes.

My Knight In Shining Kaftan (COMPLETE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora