Connection: Maintained

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26th of April, 2019 - Taehyung's pov

Taehyung got off of the plane alongside his fellow bandmates. He ran a hand through his hair and blinked consistently with his eyes in an attempt to make them adjust to the bright sunlight, after having been on the plane for many hours. He took a deep breath as he knew what was coming as soon as they entered the airport.

Flashing lights, screaming fans and security guards were all part of this extraordinary welcoming ceremony that was held every time BTS reached a new city. Taehyung had taken his mask off so he could send the many fans a smile while waving. Although it was exhausting from time to time, he always felt so loved and appreciated once he was surrounded by fans. The fact that he was a part of a group that could touch so many people or even change their lives was scary, yet crazily moving.

They finally got out of the airport again and got in the big black van that was parked outside. They were laughing and going back and forth about the upcoming shows they were to hold. Taehyung then felt his phone buzz against his chest and checked the lock screen, seeing Wheein's name pop up. He bit his lip in annoyance because he wasn't able to pick up. He declined the call and sent her a message instead, stating that he would call her back later.

He then rested his head against the window and watched as the landscape of Pasadena unfolded before his eyes.


Wheein's pov

Wheein had tried to call Taehyung, but he declined, saying he would call her back later. She was trying not to think too much about it, even though her eyes constantly wandered from the canvas, on which she was painting, and over to the dresser where her phone was lying. She sighed and kept adding unnecessary strokes to the painting, even though it was finished at this point. She was just trying to convince herself that her life did not evolve around Taehyung, and that she was perfectly capable of doing things on her own without knowing if he'd had a safe landing.

Wheein sighed and put away her paint brushes. She then grabbed her phone and threw herself onto the bed, where Kkomo was lying. She stroked the cat's fur and opened up Google. "So, have we come so far that we're gonna search up his name and see if there's any updates?" she asked. The cat just meowed and Wheein replied with a little laugh. "If you insist." As suggested she then searched for Taehyung. Pictures from the airport were already flooding online, a lot of girls going crazy with how hot he looked.

Wheein frowned at it and turned off her phone again, directing her attention to Kkomo. "We shouldn't have done that. That was weird," she said while sitting back up and taking the cat in her arms. She cuddled with it. "So we're just gonna erase that from our memory, right?" She nodded to herself and hugged the cat a little tighter.


Taehyung's pov

As soon as the guys were lodged at their hotel, Taehyung went to his room and called Wheein back. He decided to make it a FaceTime-call - he wanted to see her face. He waited impatiently for a couple of seconds until she finally picked up. She was lying in bed, her face snuggled up against her cat. Just 5 days ago, Taehyung had accompanied Wheein when she picked the cat up from her parents. He didn't meet them though, as neither of them were ready for that.

"Hi." Wheein had a cute smile on her lips, and it was impossible for Taehyung to restrain from smiling back.

"Hey," he said and messed up his hair. "How are you?"

"I'm good - I just finished my painting. Wanna see?" He nodded and an excited Wheein got up from her bed and held the camera in front of the big canvas. "It's not my best, but I think it came out okay." She was too humble about everything she did. At least according to Taehyung. Whenever she drew, she wasn't satisfied and whenever she sang, she wasn't satisfied either. Every time she criticized something about herself, Taehyung had tried to convince her of the opposite, but it was as if it never really reached her.

"Wow, it's really good!" he said in his most genuine tone of voice. She turned the camera back to herself, her cheeks slightly red and a shy smile on her lips.

"Stop, you're always making me blush!" she exclaimed, covering her face with her hand. Taehyung laughed at her, making her roll her eyes. "How was your flight?" Taehyung tilted his head back and forth at the question.

"It was okay. It wasn't a very stable landing, but I survived." He smiled at her, laying down on his stomach and resting his chin on his palm. "Our first concert is in 8 days, so we have tomorrow to recover from jet lag. That's nice." Wheein nodded a little and rested her camera against something, so she didn't have to hold it.

"For how long are you guys in America before you head to Brazil?" she asked, taking her cat back into her arms. Taehyung had actually forgotten, so he thought about it for a second and tried to remember the date.

"I'm not sure. I think it's in the end of May." He shrugged and spent some seconds just observing how Wheein was playing with her cat. She was so adorable - Wheein, not Kkomo. Taehyung had a hard time processing the thought that he wasn't gonna be able to see her, kiss her and touch her for two whole months.

"Aha," she said, cuddling her cat. "Will you be able to get some rest before that? We don't want you to get burned out." She smiled at him and he could feel light butterflies forming in his stomach by her being so caring, so concerned about him.

"Don't worry, I won't get burned out," he replied while smiling. "Y-" Taehyung got interrupted by Jimin opening the door to his room. "What?" he asked, looking at the friend.

"We're meeting in Namjoon's room," he answered while he stepped further into the room. "Are you talking to Wheein?" Taehyung nodded with a raised eyebrow that quickly turned into a frown, as his friend lid up in a smile and jumped to the bed, grabbing the phone from him.

"Hey!" Taehyung exclaimed, looking confused at Jimin who just smiled innocently and said hello to Wheein. Taehyung tossed himself onto his back, shaking his head with an annoyed look on his face.

"Well hello to you too, Jimin," Wheein said while laughing. "Wanna say hi to Kkomo?" She held up the cat so Jimin could see it.

"Awww," he said, making Taehyung roll his eyes with a laugh. He'd just taken over his call completely. The nerve of this guy.

"Yes, very sweet, and now I think it's time for Jimin to leave," he said, raising both eyebrows at his friend with a saying look in his eyes. Jimin didn't seem to be much bothered by it though, as he didn't hand over the phone nor gave Taehyung a single glance.

"How've you been doing?" he asked Wheein, making Taehyung's eyebrows rise even more. Jimin completely ignored him at this point. It seemed as if Wheein could tell as well, considering the laugh that was hearable through the phone.

"I've been just fine," she replied. Taehyung reached for the phone, but Jimin moved it in the last second, making it impossible for him. He ran a hand through his hair and decided to get up from the bed, while the two kept talking. "Have you been treating your voice alright?" she asked. Taehyung could see Jimin nodding out of the corner of his eye.

"I have! Those practicing rules you gave me have been super effective." Taehyung pulled a sweatshirt over his head and got behind Jimin, massaging his shoulders while looking at Wheein with a smile.

"But we should get going, right Jimin-si?" he asked. Jimin looked back at him with a laugh.

"You're right, you're right. Bye Whee-"

"No, don't hang up!" Taehyung immediately interrupted, snatching the phone from his friend and finally facing Wheein again. He sent her a crooked smile. "Take care, alright? I'll call you back later." She nodded and blew him a kiss goodbye before the call ended. Taehyung dropped his phone onto the bed, and crossed his arms, looking at Jimin with raised eyebrows. "Jimin, I swear to God." He just laughed and patted Taehyung's back.

"You said it yourself, we should get going," he then said and started walking towards the door. Taehyung shook his head with a laugh and followed.

From admiration to love on occasionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon