Awkward reunions

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Same day - Taehyung's pov

Taehyung got on an elevator after the meeting with Mr. Bang, BTS's manager. Jimin was with him, but when they reached the ground floor their ways parted, as Jimin said he was headed to his own apartment, not the dorm. Taehyung stepped out of the massive building that was Bighit Entertainment, and was immediately met with the wild life of Seoul; cars passing by on the big roads, people walking with a high pace and loud noises from everywhere striking his eardrum. Some days all he wanted to do was exactly what he was doing in this moment - just breathing air in and out, watching everyone around him be so busy with their own lives and own worlds. Big cities were exceptionally beautiful, yet also extremely exhausting.

After just getting absorbed by his observations and emotions, Taehyung picked up his phone from the front pocket in his jacket, and dialed Wheein's number. He held the phone against his ear, listening to the buzzing sounds of someone not picking up, waiting for it to be interrupted by her voice. He stuck on to the hope, but had to give up when her voicemail took over. He didn't care to leave a message and put the phone back in his pocket, glancing at the sight before him. He adjusted the cap on his head and intertwined with the trafficked streets and busy lives.

Taehyung didn't get to cross many roads though, as he all of a sudden could feel his phone buzzing against his chest. He was in the middle of the street, so he had to hurry over the crossroad before he was able to grab the phone from his pocket once again. He looked at the caller-id and couldn't help but form a little smile on his lips as he saw Wheein's name pop up on the screen. He brought the phone to his ear while he continued walking.

"Hi," Wheein said. "You called me?"

"I did," Taehyung replied, keeping his head down when someone with a camera passed. "I was just wondering if your dance practice is over?" Wheein told him that it was while he turned right, walking down a smaller side street, further away from the chaotic and loud traffic. "Well then, you wanna meet up?" He reached the parking lot where his car was parked.

"No, I'm sorry, I have a friend over right now," Wheein answered. Taehyung could feel the light disappointment and embarrassment wash over him at her words. He unlocked his car and got inside.

"Oh, no worries, we'll jus-"

"Excuse me, two seconds!" Wheein interrupted him, leaving him in his car at a loss for words.


Wheein's pov

Wheein pulled the phone away from her ear, sending Hyejin a confused and slightly irritated look. "What now?!" she asked, the annoyance filling her voice.

"Why did you reject him like that?" Hyejin had been standing in the doorway of Wheein's room, overhearing her very short conversation with Taehyung. Hyejin didn't answer the question asked by Wheein, but simply brought a new one up, which made her roll her eyes.

"Because you're here, obviously. It's not like I'm being rude or anything, I'm just telling him the truth, saying things as they are!" She shrugged while shaking her head. The confusion with her friend's actions were still painted in her eyes. Why did she have to get involved in this? Wheein was perfectly capable of taking her own decisions. She didn't need approval nor advice.

"You're going on that date," Hyejin stated, a serious tone thickening her voice. "And then we'll hang out later this week. Do not blow him off because of the fact that I'm here. I will not be your excuse." Wheein crossed her arms, sighing. She didn't know why she was so afraid to accept Taehyung's invitation. Perhaps it was the guilt she felt for Hyejin, the feeling of not being a good enough friend, that held her back. Or maybe it was the fear that it would be awkward between her and Taehyung this time. She didn't know what it was, but something was holding her back. But she had to go, there was no way out. After having known Hyejin for about 10 years, Wheein knew that when she'd first made her mind about something, no one could stand in her way. Therefor she returned to the call.

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