Friends will be friends

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17th of April, 2019 - Taehyung's pov

Taehyung rolled over on his stomach and grabbed his phone when Wheein left the room. He ran a hand through his messy morning-hair and scrolled a bit through Twitter. Such a weird media. He finally decided to get up, put on a pair of sweatpants and go to the living room, finding Jimin, Hoseok, Jin and Yoongi sitting at the dining table. He sent them a little smile and grabbed an apple.

"Good morning mr. boyfriend," Hoseok said which made all the guys laugh. Taehyung rolled his eyes, laughing as well and sat down at the table. "We got to meet the mrs. again this morning. She's very nice." Taehyung took a bite of his apple.

"She is, isn't she?" he said, not being able to hold back a smile by the thought of her.

Jin laughed and hit him on the back of his head. "I've never seen you so in love before, chill sir." Taehyung hit him back, laughing hard and running a hand through his hair. He looked around at the rest who were all looking at him, also laughing. He shook his head in objection and took another bite of the apple.

"I am not in love," he said, rolling his eyes. "Not even close to. We've only ever been on one date which was interrupted because of you guys." He looked at them with annoyance in his gaze for fun, which they responded to by laughing. Hoseok reached his arms over his head, stretching his back.

"You're not very good at lying Taehyung, never have been, never will be," he said with a joking glimpse in his eye. "But I'm gonna go take a shower now. We agreed on 3pm for our meeting with Mr. Bang, right?" The rest nodded. "Great. Okay, well then I'll see you in a bit." Hoseok got up, and before he was completely out of sight, Jin did so as well.

"I smell horrible too, I'm gonna take a shower as well." He left Taehyung, Yoongi and Jimin in the dining area.

"When did you and Wheein become a thing?" Yoongi asked and started gathering the other guys' plates, after which he headed to the kitchen. This was the first serious question Taehyung had gotten from them, so he frowned a bit while considering what to reply. The beginning with Wheein had been quite turbulent, but he wasn't gonna go too much into detail as that would make him appear quite desperate.

"I think it started at the MMA's in December," he finally stated. Yoongi looked over his shoulder while washing the dishes. He seemed genuinely interested in their 'relationship', which made Taehyung a little happy. "But after that we didn't really speak much until our comeback show here the other day."

"Who led up to it? You or her?" Jimin, who'd otherwise stayed quite silent this morning, then asked. Taehyung looked at him and tilted his head back and forth as if he was thinking really hard. He wasn't. It'd been him who took the first step back on December 1st, bringing her to the cleaning room and kissing her. He was also certain that she hadn't felt the same fascination with him as he had with her at their concert in 2016.

"Well, I'm pretty sure the attraction was mutual from the beginning, but I was the one to.. you know, push things in the right direction." He lifted the corner of his mouth in a crooked smile, looking at his friend who laughed a little with an impressed look on his face. Yoongi returned and settled at the table again. "Thank you for taking it so well, you guys. We were quite worried about people's reaction to it." Yoongi padded Taehyung's shoulder and Jimin told him that it was not their place to judge him. He smiled at them and then added: "Oh, and we aren't planning on telling our management - at least not yet - so don't mention anything about it, please."


Same day - Wheein's pov

Wheein arrived at the practice room at 12:40am, so she still had some time before dance practice was starting. She opened up her locker, where she had some training clothes saved, and went to a restroom to change her outfit. She checked her look in the mirror while considering whether or not she was going to tell the other girls about Taehyung. She had been introduced to Taehyung's bandmates now, so maybe she should just get it over with. But she was scared that this "thing" they had going on would only be temporary, and then she'd have to tell the girls again when they ended things, and..

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