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"Then my mum asked me how did I get caught up in bush and the cat didn't," Harry went on, as he spun me around while I was laughing.

I came back to Harry, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"You are too adorable," I giggled at him, and he just smiled with that wonderful smile as his dimples were revealed.

"You are the most adorable to me," he kept his smile, with his green eyes sparkling up, but he then leaned in to kiss me on my forehead like I was something precious.Though, it made my heart flutter and open up.

I still didn't get it. Why was I with him right now?

I placed my head on his shoulder in a thought as we rocked side to side to the slow music. Harry's hold on me brought me closer to his body as he fully wrapped his arms around me, and leaned his head onto my shoulder.

I felt like I was on a dream boat almost like we were dancing on a cloud. It was a crazy, magical, and wonderful world that I seemed to be so attached to. As I closed my eyes, my fingertips gently grazed the fabric of his blazer.

I was getting high off his cologne, and I was starting to feel like I was by a warm fire just about to fall asleep like I was at home with Mommy and Daddy again.

Oh, how I wish it was like that again.

"Hey, let me go g-get you a drink," he stuttered, and I was wondering why he was all of sudden shaking like he was scared to offer, but I'm not anything to be nervous about.

"Alright," I answered back, as he pulled away from me, and the warmth disappeared making sad, but I just was about to walk away until I stepped into something gooey under my dress. I pulled the fabric up away from my feet to see what I was stepping on, and I noticed it was gum that wouldn't dare dettach from my step.

"What?" I gasped, as I pulled at the gum with my foot, but at the same time, trying to keep my flats on, but the gum would just become stringer and stretch into a mess.

"Ugh," I grunted, as I bent down more, and decided to slip off the flats instead.

"And then," I heard another voice as time froze while a chill of cold liquid spilled onto my back. A sharp cold feeling shot through my body as the liquid touched my skin, and my hair became a mop of dripping water.

I gasped, as time came back, and the water traveled from where it was splashed on my body to dripping from the edges and curves of my body and the dress.

I realized the music had stopped, as my body slowly adjusted itself to the cold temperature, and I moved my body hesitantly out of bending position as the dress now stuck to my skin only a bit.

I finally rose up as everyone stared at me, creating a circle as I felt like the mopping queen of cleaning products.

Harry approached me with the fruit punch in a rush, with concern in his eyes as he saw what happened, but as soon as he came closer he dropped the fruit punch, making the red juice splash onto the ends of my dress.

"Selena?" I heard Harry's voice call for my response as I shut my eyes in complete disarray.

I opened my eyes to see more of the seniors and staff rushing over to help me out. They pulled me out of the mess, and I was just so glad to not hear everyone laugh at me, but I did only hear a few chuckles. Harry picked up the empty cup from the floor.

"We got it, we got it," I heard one of the men in the suits say as Harry helped me up more out of the mess by taking my hand only lightly like he was scared he didn't have the right to firmly hold it in his hand.

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