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I walked in the hall, running over the thoughts and the feels that Harry gave me last night. I hugged my binder and books tight to my body in a lost daze, continuing to walk with a small smile.

He asked me if we were still friends and it was the cutest, most adorable thing I've seen.

I still can't believe someone so beautiful like him would ever like someone like me, and then I remembered what he said last night, telling me that I shouldn't hate on myself. However, what could I possibly love about myself?

I love my long natural curls, and my smile. I liked my eyes, because that always seemed like they had a sparkle or light in them when I look in the mirror, and I loved my hands, because they gave me the access to feel some incredible things.

My hands were the ones that were most affected by my feelings, and they always seemed to tremble, but I liked that. It sounded weird, but it was true, because sometimes Harry made my hands shake like that.

I strolled all the way to my locker as the sound of the students in the halls came back to my ears as I was just in a dreamy cloud, gracefully coming down the hall.

I faced my green locker, placing my hand and my body adjusting to the cold temperature of the solid cold storage that was shut closed. I shut my eyes as people's voices roamed around in the hall, but I pictured Harry's eyes instead, just glistening in the sun as if the green in his eyes seemed so real that it almost seemed to fade.

That reminded me of the day I met Harry, when his eyes looked like they were grey in the sunlight, but the green was there, and it was beautifully woven and hidden within the color of his eyes.

"So why?" I heard an almost high pitched voice, and I suddenly became apart of reality again, slowly sinking into the curses that life had brought to me. I knew it was Ezzy and I wasn't ready to face her right now.

My eyes flutter open, and I spotted her staring at me, just leaning against the other lockers beside me.

"What was that about last night? You didn't want to tell me?" I heard her throw questions at me and I reluctantly faced her.

"I didn't mean to, it's just that--It's just that what?" she bursted out at me. Ezzy's eyes blazed up with the ocean blue, as her mouth turned up a bit, every time she was angry, but she still looked perfect with her golden skin and long blonde hair thrown up in a messy bun.

"You thought since I mentioned Harry, you could just take him?" she asked me, and I shut my eyes, really hating that she kept interrupting to me. I opened my eyes to her again.

"You know I knew Harry for awhile, and I did have feelings for him, but I didn't want to interfere with you and your choice," I told her, and she gave me a complete 'are you serious?' look.

"Selena, you know you could tell me how you feel and you didn't do that," she said concern now in her blue clear eyes.

"Yes, I know, and I tried to ask him to ask you and then it kind of--No, don't even explain anymore, because you were the one who was suppose to communicate, and I'm your best friend," Ezzy sounded betrayed, and I didn't want her to feel that way, but before I could say anything else, she walked away.

I brought my back up against my locker in regret and I didn't know what to do.

I dropped my head to the locker, as Ezielle had already killed my mood.

"Hello, princess," I heard a deep British voice meet my ears, and he drew my attention to him as he walked towards me from out of the hall traffic.

Only a small smile snuck onto my face, but I was still in ruins by Ezielle's dismissal.

"How are you, love?" he asked, as his curls were back to their perfect ways across his forehead, as his green eyes brought a light to my heart.

"I'm...eeh," I started off on my bad mood, as I ran my eyes quickly over his plaid blue shirt, and skinny khakis.

"What's wrong?" he asked as in consideration of me telling how I felt.

"I just need a hug?" I questioned, and he smiled big for me, making my heart speed up, as he came closer.

I placed my things to the floor, and wrapped my arms around Harry's neck, really feeling like I was whole or to one piece again. I got high off his cologne, as he brought his arms around my waist, and pulled me closer for a firm hug.

"I did something bad," I told him in shame, and he tightened the hug.

"Tell me, Sel," he encouraged me, and I started to play with the nape at his neck, becoming nervous.

"I uhm," I started off, as I released him from my hug, and he let go as well.

"Well, you know how Ezzy wanted to go to prom with you?" I asked him, and he nodded.

"Well, now she's mad, because I went with you, and I tried to explain what I was trying to do when I went up to you, but I knew I was wrong," I said.

"I wasn't thinking and I didn't communicate with Ezielle the way I communicated with Shirley," I spoke my feelings.

"Shirley is more in your comfort zone, huh, love?" he asked as his eyes kept their concern look and I nodded.

"But I know I could've thought about Ezzy, because she is my friend, too," I concluded.

Whenever I'm alone with you, you make me feel like I am clean again.

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