Chapter 18: Scrolls

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Yukio and Hibari were walking back from the hospital to Hanzo Academy, and Yukio just realized that he was technically 'skipping class'.

"Uh...Hibari? Normal students are supposed to be in class now, right?" Yukio asked.

"Y-Yeah, but Shinobi students are able to leave campus in case of emergencies. L-Like going to a Shinobi hospital." Hibari replied.

"So...I'm technically not skipping class?" Yukio asked.

"No, you're not skipping class. You are a Shinobi student now, so you get to have the same rules and regulations as other Shinobi." Hibari replied.

"Huh...and what about if some civilian students see me and get suspicious?" Yukio continued asking questions.

"I guess you would have to stay out of sight." Hibari

"Does Hanzo academy get Shinobi recruits very often?" Yukio asked another question.

"Not really, we were supposed to have a bunch of new Shinobi students, but they weren't able to attend yet." Hibari responded.

"Do you know why?" Yukio continued.

"No, sadly I don't. I-I'm sorry, I don't know much." Hibari apologized.

"Oh, it's fine. I'm sorry for asking those questions." Yukio apologized back.

It must be great being a Shinobi student then.

They continued walking, until Yukio suddenly heard someone's stomach growling. He looked at Hibari, and she blushed a bit.

"My stomach is just being rebellious, I'm fine. Let's continue heading towards school." Hibari said, completely embarrassed.

Yukio felt kind of bad for Hibari. However, He then heard his own stomach growling.

"What timing, how about we get something for lunch before we head back?" Yukio asked.

"Ok." Hibari replied.

They went to a nearby fast-food restaurant, and Yukio bought both of their lunches.

"Oh, you didn't need to pay for mine, Yukio." Hibari said.

"Well, friends are supposed to pay for each other's meals, right? I wouldn't know, I'm new at this." Yukio admitted.

Hibari giggled, "Ok then, I'll treat for our next outing then."

They ate their food, while continuing towards Hanzo academy.

"Hey, Hibari. Quick question, it's about my ability." Yukio got her attention.

"Oh, your Soul Travel ability. Sure, what is it?" Hibari asked.

"You said you were able to sense me when I used the ability while you girls were at the island. How are you able to do that?" Yukio asked.

"Hmm...I don't really know how I knew you were there. I just felt something go in and out of me, like a ghost or a spirit." Hibari responded, unsure of the answer.

"Well, I was just thinking it could be useful to have someone be able to sense that I'm in their body." Yukio explained.

"Yeah, I'm sorry that I don't know how it works." Hibari apologized.

"You apologize too much." Yukio chuckled.

"Sor-, I mean...u-um..." Hibari panicked with her words.

"It's fine, it's fine." Yukio calmed her down.

This is nice, hanging out with one of my new Shinobi friends. I can't wait to hang out with everyone else like this, including Kiriya-Sensei.

Senran Kagura; Shinobi by Death: Volume 1, The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now