Chapter 1: The First Day

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Yukio woke up, and looked at his alarm clock. It was a beautiful Tuesday morning at the beginning of spring, and he woke up in his plain, and normal room. He knew what day it was, and what the weather was like, but something was bothering him.

Yukio felt like he had forgotten something, as if it just slipped his mind. He tried remembering what he would be doing for the day. Eat breakfast, go for a walk, do absolutely nothing for 3 hours, eat lunch, an extra 5 hours of doing nothing, eat dinner, take a bath, then go to sleep.

Yukio isn't what you would call a productive person. His parents are from the higher class, so Yukio was kind of spoiled when it came to toys, video games and everything you could've wanted as a kid. He lived in such luxury for years that when he finally was able to start living on his own, he couldn't find anything to do.

As for his appearance, the only outstanding feature Yukio has is that he doesn't have any outstanding features. He's a freshman in high school, with short messy dark brown hair and narrow brown eyes. The only 'uniform' he would ever wear is his school uniform. He isn't muscular or even a little bit athletic, and he hasn't smiled ever since he left his parent's house.

Speaking of his parents, they were nice people, some of their friends used to call them 'King and Queen' because of how rich they were and how they behaved themselves. Yukio isn't like his parents, he's greedy, takes anything that catches his attention, and ignores anything that he thinks is boring.

However, if there was one thing you could say that makes Yukio sound like a nice person is that he loved Kagura festivals when he was little. He used to love seeing maidens do the Kagura dance, and he even memorized how to do the dance despite never actually performing it himself. He once met an old shrine maiden at one of the temples he visited, and she talked to many people that were there about a goddess named Kagura that existed in the world. Of course, he didn't believe that old maiden was telling the truth. 'A goddess named Kagura? That's like having a dance named after Zeus.' he thought.


Why do I feel like I have something important today?

It wasn't a holiday, it wasn't a family meeting, it was a different type of event.

He heard people outside of his dorm, but he ignored them.

Probably just some students passing by.

The footsteps outside his room continued as he decided to look out his window. He saw students, all in their school uniforms, walking in the same direction.

"Why are they going towards the school...oh crap."

The realization finally hit Yukio that it was the first day of school, and that everyone was going early for registration.

I can't believe I have to get up this early just for the first day of school!

Yukio was always a good student when he lived with his parents, so he didn't want to completely throw that all out the window when he started high school. He always liked the attention and praise he would get for being a good student.

So he struggled to get his uniform on, grabbed a two-day-old leftover donut, and rushed out of the door.

As soon as he opened his door, all the students were already gone and were probably already at school for all he cared. He started running so he could catch up.

Because of his lack of stamina, he got tired very quickly. As he speed-walked to school, he came across a shrine. He kept going as he didn't want to fall any further behind than he already was.

Senran Kagura; Shinobi by Death: Volume 1, The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now