Y3 ~ father?

421 13 41

"Oh damn, I think he broke."

Daddy Issues - The NeighbourhoodWordcount - 5704

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Daddy Issues - The Neighbourhood
Wordcount - 5704


Harry, had on orders by Madam Pomfrey stayed in the Hospital Wing over the weekend. As far as Y/n knew, he hadn't argued against it or complained, though he insisted on not throwing away his Nimbus, which she thought was silly, but it was what he wanted.

She, Ron and Hermione stayed with Harry all day long, though Madam Pomfrey had told them that they were forbidden to stay over night. Over the days Harry had had a lot of visitors, among them the Gryffindor Quidditch team, this time accompanied by Wood who had in a hollow-sort of voice told Harry that he didn't blame him for their loss.

Hagrid had also sent Harry some earwigs flowers that looked like yellow cabbages.

He was thankful for the people around him, yet he hadn't told anyone about the Grim, which he had seen in the form of clouds right before he fell. He knew Ron would panic, and Hermione would probably scoff. Y/n, however would maybe understand, but he hadn't told her anyway. Maybe he should? It felt like a burden on his shoulders, was the Grim going to hunt him until he actually died?

And then, the Dementors. Harry feared them, he felt sick and humiliated every time he thought of them. Everyone said the the Dementors were horrible, but no one had fainted.

He had also heard the scream again as he fell - and during the endless nights in the Hospital Wing. He had heard the words playing over and over in his head while he, unable to sleep, stared at the strips of moonlight on the ceiling and examined the pattern of the white stone walls in the Hospital Wing. When the Dementor approached him, Harry had heard the last words of his mother, trying to protect him from Voldemort. Voldemort's laughter muffled his ears as he repeatedly heard his mother die.

Maybe he should tell Y/n after all? Hermione and Ron had just went to grab some lunch from the Great Hall for his three friends since the Hospital Wing only served food for their patients.

Y/n noticed him zooming out, she flashed his hand in front of his eyes. "Hello? Earth to Hazzarold Jamie Potterson?"

He groaned and snapped out of his thoughts. "How do you come up with these?"

"Let's just say I've taken the advise from Professor Trelawney and broadened my mind, I've got more creativity than I thought." She smirked.

Harry snorted. "Right, er- I've got to tell you something."

Y/n's smirk faded slowly, he sounded rather serious. "Go on." She spoke, listening closely to what he had to say.

"During the match, you know I fell because of the Dementors - right?"

Y/n nodded swiftly. "Yeah."

"Well, there's more to the story. As the Dementors come near me I can hear the sound of my mother, dying. I can hear her over and over again, trying to protect me. I can repeatedly hear her getting murdered. That's what I heard on the train, when I was playing and during the nights. And I don't know why, it's just-"

ETERNAL LOVE ➸ H. POTTER x READER (ON HOLD)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें