"A forever memorable day"

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As you guys have a sickness of forgetting about the comments, i am hereby again reminding you.... hope you understand! 

Author's pov

Vansh almost ran for his life when riddhima started chasing him for pulling her "bear beard" once again... at last getting inside a toilet, he grabbed his phone and called his best friend for rescue! and within this time she was banging on the door like a madwoman!

after some minutes, he noticed the bangs have eventually stopped but he can't trust her either, what if she is still there. so bending down he checked if could see her legs down but there was no trace of her. so sighing he slowly moved out of the washroom, he was cautious with his every step looking back and front and so sighing in relief he was moving to the washbasin area when he suddenly heard her 

"was you searching for me gentleman with the bear beard?"

he looked terrified hearing her, slowly turning his head up he was horrified seeing her on the top of the slab of the washbasin standing in the position of a lion who was ready to jump on its prey! and before he could even say anything, she pounced on him and sat on him encircling her legs around his neck and hands fully on his hair, grabbing and pulling it harshly as she can that he started screaming off! 

riddhima(ranting in between her stunt): how dare you to run away Mr! ha i knew you would eventually come out if you don't see me, that's why i was waiting for you in there and you came! 

vansh(almost screaming): are you mad lady? whom do you think you are of me that you can do all this?

riddhima shushed him as if she had full rights on him, and he was still balancing to stand as it was his first time in his whole life, something like this happening... grabbing a pillow out there for the support he was trying to get her off! he screamed as much as he can for help but no one was in for help as the music was too loud!

at last, after 5 minutes he was finding it normal for some reason, maybe he is a fast learner!

And angre, the friend who he called up 15 minutes back came into the washroom calling his friend but was absurdly stopped seeing his friend sitting on the bathroom floor on his knees and taking a woman in his back like he is giving her an elephant ride. 

angre(almost freaking out): vansh!!!!! what's happening?

as soon as he heard his voice, vansh put riddhima down all of a sudden that she screamed in pain for a second, but avoiding that he went caught angre's collars

vansh(shouting): is this your 5 minutes? do you have any idea what she would have done to me if you were any later? 

angre nodded in no. whereas riddhima started giving him death glares

riddhima(acting like crying): ahhhhh.......... vanshu... look what you did to me for that idiot!!!!!

vansh wanted to shout at her, but seeing her in tears even though he knew it's fake, he went and helped her as a thorough gentleman. riddhima smiled sheepily when he took her in his arms and moved to a nearby room and while going she showed angre her tongue playfully...

vansh(coldly): angre... follow me!

and hearing that, her lips curved into a cute pout whereas angre was confused about whether he should laugh or cry at this situation. 

keeping her softly in the bed, he removed her shoes and also helped her adjust in the bed. he was about to go when she caught his hands and before she could say anything he spoke cutting her off

" i am not supposed to help you nor do any favor to you for whatever you made me do in the past hour but as you are a woman and is right now intoxicated i am leaving you... but that doesn't mean you are gonna fly free after this day! you will surely pay for it!"

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