"Okay...I'm really sorry, it was all my idea." Kit couldn't meet her eyes as she said it.

                              "Is that true Levi?" She asked Levi, raising her eyebrows at him. Kit turned around, mouthing 'yes' and 'Say yes.' But Levi was more truthful than that.

                                   "No, it was my idea." His face fell, "If I would have known, I wouldn't have let Kit go."

                                 Syria eyes them both, not knowing who was telling the truth. "Knowing Kit, I think it was her idea,  since it's not the first time she has disobeyed my, or another teachers, orders. So come along Kit, Levi, get back to your dorm and don't come out." She gestured for Kit to come and Kit willingly did.

                                  Levi opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't utter any words, he just stared after them, watching as Kit was virtually pulled away by Syria.

                             Kit couldn't speak, she just watched as Syria through ice shards at her with her blue eyes. "I am not happy at all Kit!" She spat. They were in Syria's office and Kit was sitting in a chair, her fingers digging into her palms.

                            "It took Debra, what was I meant to do?!" Kit erupted, standing up from her chair. Her words didn't get Syria off guard; it was like she already knew Debra was taken. How could she of though?

                           "That's the thing, you don't do anything Kit." She continued pacing, holding a thin dagger as sharp as a needles point. Kit watched as it gleamed in the light. "Sit down."

                           Kit sat, biting her lip, "I wasn't about to let my best friend be killed by a vicious unknown beast!" It was almost the same words she had said to Levi only hours before. She would get away, bringing Levi with her and together they would take down the beast. 

                            Imagination works in strange ways, sometimes it makes you think you can do anything; everything seems so easy in your imagination. That's because you can control that, but in reality, everyone is capable of anything as long as they know how to. Kit didn't know how to though, she was as incapable as a mouse when it came to fighting the beast on her own.

                               "You have to wake up Kit! You need to be aware of reality. Your reality at the moment is an easy way out of everything, but in actual reality, everything is hard unless you make it not be." Syria said.

                              "Well maybe I'm not making it be hard." Kit shot back.

                              Syria said nothing for the moment; she just stared at the ground. "Okay, how do you not make it hard?" 

                             Kit focused on Syria's cold eyes, forming an answer in her head. "All I need to do is not let anyone make my own decisions. In this academy though, all I do is follow orders and listen and be controlled."

                             "So you’re saying you don't want to be in the Academy?" Syria was trying to make Kit give in and say that Syria was right and that she was right all along, but Kit was never a person to give in.

                          "Believe me, I want to be in the academy, in fact I have to be in the academy because I'm a freak along with the rest of our kind!" And Kit stormed out of the room, not waiting to see whether Syria followed.

                                 She marched into the corridor, wanting to curl into a ball and sit alone. She didn't want to be judged on anything anymore. She just sat on the ground, tucking her legs up and sitting her chin on her knees, sighing a very deep, sad sigh.

                                 Kit wanted something that she knew she would never have...A normal life, she would often watch the humans on the streets, talking to each other, living days upon days on end. They got to live and have fun and smile instead of constantly worrying about failing every single day.

                               What was Kit to do? Her best friend was being held captive by a beast! Her life at the academy was probably being decided to come to an end because she never went with whatever anyone says!

                              For once she wished she had an actual life that felt like it needed to be lived. Every time she had ever been on a mission, she didn't really care whether she didn't come back or not, her whole life she needed to impress everyone, it may have worked, but she didn't need anyone's impression. She had a very great expectation, just like in the book by Charles Dickens that she read by the window at her old house. 

                               Every minute that ticked by, her friends came closer and closer o dying. Every hour that ticked by, she got closer and closer to dying because she wasn't immortal, no one lives forever, and nothing does.

                               One day, she had asked herself whether anything was immortal; the answer she got was a solid 'No.' The idea of a chair s immortal because humans will never go back to sitting on the ground.

                               Living things however, always had an ending, happy or sad, it didn't really matter. Not to Kit Stone it didn't anyway. She was figuring out her plan, she only hoped it worked out in the end.

                                    She set a mental note to find Levi and ask whether he would help her. She wasn't sure why she always asked Levi, she didn't want to really think about why, even though deep down, or even less than that, she knew why.


This chapter is dedicated to all my fans/ Followers I should say, SO thank you all SO much for helping my book reach over 1,000 reads! I have officially achieved my goal. Now I need to reach my goal of one million, a bit of a way to go, but I'm pretty sure I can succeed!!

Whoever is reading this now should know just how much it means to me that my book is doing really well as it has been my dream to fulfil!! Xx

With much appreciation,

~Ness <3

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