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⚠️First I do not condone going around and electrocuting your private areas because of this lemon... I have absolutely no idea if it would feel good or not ⚠️but, don't blame this fan fic I warned you. Enjoy

I sat there shocked and said, "Okay then, I'm tired though so I'm going to bed". He nodded and I fell to sleep. He must've left because I heard my door close, I woke up the next morning to a whole lot of sexual tension between not only Midoriya and I but, the whole class.

Mina ruined everyone's innocence. Everyone looked very nervous except for the two people we didn't invite, Mineta and Iida. I sighed and looked over at Midoriya who quickly turned away with a blush. I can't read his mind, but I most definitely can read his emotions. I smiled nervously as I felt his growing sexual desire for me, I could almost see a flicker of him on top of me in his head. I nodded my head back shocked and thought,

What the hell was that? Did I just read his mind?

I looked over at the class and as an empath feeling nothing but sexual desire from everyone was making me really horny and Midoriya and I's relationship turned into a questing game,

are we gonna have sex today? is this make out session going to turn into more? is he going to take my clothes off? Is he going to make a move?

It took days for us to become normal again without the thought sex pounding in our minds. But one day, everything came sinking down and not just us, but my life did too. We were at the mall, and I was casually talking about the differences in leggings.

Midoriya said, "Well, I didn't know there was a difference. I just thought leggings are leggings!". I laughed and said, "Don't you wear leggings with your hero outfit?". He laughed and said, "Hm, I guess". I said, "I know for sure, or else I wouldn't have that much eye access to those sexy gods sculpted legs of yours". I paused and thought,

Shit, it just came out. I didn't mean to say that!

Midoriya stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me with surprise, he said, "I didn't know you felt that way about my legs". I said, "O-OH! Uhm, yeah there just really muscley". He laughed the blush away on his face and his gentle smile gave me reassurance. When we got home, I walked into his room and played a very dangerous game. I took a shower and changed into his hoodie, I sat on his bed. The hoodie was really big on me, and it smelled like him, so I felt like I was with him.

He was taking a shower and walked out fully clothed and fresh. He walked out and started making goo goo eyes at me. I said, "What!?". He smiled and said, "I love it when you wear my hoodies!".

Since I was sitting on the edge of the bed he walked over and hugged my stomach, he was on his knees. I grabbed his head and lifted it, he looked me in the eyes and knew something was different about me. My hands were enveloped in the fabric from the hoodie since it was so big.

He said, "Y/N...?". I leaned in and kissed him; he was sort of surprised by how I kissed him because it was with hunger. But he matched my same feeling and kissed me with even more passion and hunger. He slowly made his way on top of me on all fours.

He pulled away and looked at me staring, he said, "Y/N, are we gonna...". I looked away and said, "I-I I'm ready". He looked at me and said, "Are you sure? Are you sure you're ready?". I said, "Yes". He nodded and said, "Okay, I'll be gentle I promise".

I nodded and he closed into my neck and lied there for a second. He didn't move he just sat there, I said, "Babe?". He said, "Y/N, it's my first time". I grabbed him and said, "It's okay! It's mine too! Don't be nervous". He said, "I'm supposed to be saying that to you". He said it jokingly, but I could hear the kiddish tone he had.

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