'My Momma's Bush'

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For the first time I had to make a hero costume but, I was conflicted on how to make it. I didn't want to be a villain, but I didn't want to have it on knowing damn well everyone I love is a villain. I was at home and was whining to Shiggy about what to do.

He said, "Y/N! I DON'T FUCKING KNOW BRO! JUST BE NAKED OR SOMETHING!". I said, "You see I already thought of that, but I was thinking I could go for some pastel colors". Shiggy looked at me and shooed me away.

Dabi put his hands on my shoulders and said, "Yes the pastel colors sound very you. Just do what you want, who knows you might end up becoming a hero". Shiggy turned to him and said, "There is no way in hell she's going to be a hero". I laughed slightly and said, "Yeah I don't want to be like those stuck-up snot monsters".

Shiggy laughed and I said, "Speaking of which, is it okay if I make my hero costume". Shiggy slapped his forehead and said, "DO WHATEVER! YOU'RE UNDERCOVER FOR GOD SAKES". I said, "Alright jeez. Stop with the yelling". Shiggy pulled off one of his hands and threw it at me and I screamed, "DAD! SHIGGY THROWING FUCKING HANDS!".

Kuro ran in and said, "Y/N! did you just swear!". My eyes widened and I said, "Sorry dad!". He gave me a disappointed look and I let my head hang low. Dabi said, "Come on Kuro, she's sixteen. She's basically an adult now, let her curse". Kuro said, "NO cursing under MY roof". I sighed and noticed my phone was blowing up with notifications. Dabi said, "Who that?". I shrugged and said, "It's probably an app". I looked at the notifications and said, "Yeah imma go upstairs and write". Dabi said, "That's real suspicious that your phone blew up and now you're going upstairs".

I rolled my eyes and went in my room and closed the door. I saw it was Wattpad and thought,

first rule of having Wattpad is don't tell family (unless close in age cousins) you have Wattpad!

I checked to see they were comments about my story. I laughed at the jokes until I stumbled upon one comment.

'So, how'd you make this so realistic!!! Are you going through something like this'

I let myself fall on the bed and thought,

Nope, hopefully I never will.

I began to type away and after a while I jumped in the shower and walked downstairs to make something to eat. I saw Dabi on his phone and I said, "WHO DAT?!". He screeched and said, "WHY ARE YOU SNEAKING UP ON ME LIKE THAT?!". I said, "Oh damn, you are doing something suspicious". He sighed and said, "Well I'm grown!". I started laughing in his face and he just stared at me with a straight face. I said, "Oh you're serious! Oh, baby boi, you ain't grown, you are more childish than I am". He said, "Damn, and I thought we were homies".

I chuckled and went into the fridge, I said, "Uhm Dabi, where the fuck is my burrito!". I turned around and Dabi said, "Oh damn, about that burrito". I began to choke him and yelled, "YOU BITCH YOU ATE MY FUCKING BURRITO!".

Kuro walked in and said, "HEY- oh my lord. Dabi what did you do". I turned and said, "He ate my burrito!". Kuro said, "Yeah that's a pretty good reason to choke someone out". Dabi said, "Kuro...". Kuro raised his hand and said, "What, never come between a woman and there food". I nodded and let go, Dabi started breathing again and I smiled creepily. I said, "That'll teach you to never eat my food".

Dabi was grabbing his chest and breathing heavily, I grabbed some rice and began to cook it in the rice cooker. I was tempted by the ramen but, it seemed to easy. Toga walked into the bar with blood all over her. I wasn't panicked because I knew it wasn't hers.

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