'Tell me when and where, I'll be there. -Grayson'

'Today, 12 at St Benedict's hospital. -Olivia'

My palms are sweating. He's going to find out today, that I'm pregnant. Anxiety bubbles in my stomach and I can't tell whether it's the good kind or the bad. Good because I've missed him. I love him. But bad because I know he isn't going to react well to me having kept it from him and leaving him like I did.

'Hospital? My god Olivia, are you ok? -Grayson'

'I'm more than fine. Meet me in the waiting room -Olivia'

With that I shut off my phone and chuck it across the room unable to look at the device any longer.


Marie parks the car and the two of us step out. "Hey, Marie. Would you mind if I did this myself? I think this is something I have to do alone."

"Oh don't be silly!-"

"-Marie, please. This is something I need to do."

She twitches in annoyance and I can see her contemplating what her next moves going to be. "Fine. I'll wait in the waiting room."

"Actually would you mind waiting here?" I ask hopeful that she'll allow me a little more space.

"No. Either I wait in the waiting room or we go home."

"Marie. I'm an adult. I have control over what I do. This isn't some fun day out. I'm going to the doctor to make sure my child is safe."

I expected her to back down like she did last time. Again I'm mistaken. Apparently I don't know her as well as I thought I had.

Her teeth are clenched and her face is slowly going red as she yanks my wrist digging her nails into my skin, piercing the flesh. "You know what Olivia. I am thoroughly getting fed up with your attitude. Now I will say this one last time. Be grateful I'm even giving you an option. We either go in together or I wait in the waiting room. If neither of those suit. I swear to god I will shove you back in the car and you won't have a goddamned child to worry about!"

She's fuming and I begin to get nervous. Her actions over the past week have been off and this outburst is only concluding my thoughts. This woman is not stable.

"O-ok, let's go in together and you can wait in the waiting room." Audibly I swallow and give her my best 'I'm not scared out of my fucking mind' smile.

Just like before, as soon as I agree her personally switches. She sighs happily "god I'm so glad."

Her arm links with mine as we begin walking "you know I hate when I get mad as you. You're my best friend."

I offer a shallow smile "of course."

We walk through the hospital till we get to the waiting room. I go up to the front desk to discuss my appointment while Marie finds us a seat. "Of course dear, Doctor Andrew will be with you soon." The front desk lady gives me a warm smile and I feel my anxiety slowly dissipate.

"Thank you." I murmur, walking away to my seat that Marie had saved. As I walk to my seat I look around to see if Graysons here yet. The place is crowded but I don't spot him. So I silently take my seat and Marie grasps my hand. I shudder at her physical touch and not in a good way.

His Fake fiancé Where stories live. Discover now