Chapter 46 - Deadcrush (Pt. 7)

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Made 1/2‐3/2022

Welcome back! This chapter is literally going to be my worst nightmare. Enjoy.

Fact Of The Day: In 2008 a man living in rural Japan noticed his food disappearing at night. When he installed cameras, they revealed a woman had been living in his house. At the time of her discovery, she had been living there for months.


It became unbearably silent, absolutely no sound making it through the door. The only thing you could hear was your trifling breathing as you stood there, motionless and afraid to cause any noise.

Wait, what am I even afraid of? The door closed. That's it. I'm fine.

You struggled to encourage yourself to get moving, staring into the empty faces of the mannequins. They all stood with their hands at their sides, facing you as if awaiting your arrival. Each was a full-body figurine, meant to be a fully optimizable stand for clothes, but all it did right now was make you feel small.

Your flashlight started flickering, and you frantically looked from the light back to the mannequins, watching as they cracked to life and reached out to you with polystyrene hands.

No, no, no- not like this

You banged the flashlight in the palm of your hand multiple times, finally watching it flicker back to life. Each mannequin paused, returning to its normal life of sitting around, waiting.

You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding, shining the light on all of them. You were shaky and petrified at your situation, bound to scream at the slightest of things - so when you ran into the back of a mannequin, you might as well been trying for the high jump Olympics.

You weren't able to shine the light into its eyes, if it had any at all, as it wrapped its plastic hands around you. Every move you made was constricted and shortened, the flashlight falling from your hand, but thankfully still pointing to the ones in front of you.

You struggled as much as you could and at some point you thought you might be having a seizure, but you managed to knock the mannequin onto the ground. Unfortunately, you went back with it, feeling as its hands wrapped around your exposed figure. A migraine banged in the back of your head, feeling all the blood stop rushing in your arteries. Was this the feeling of being air hungry?

You could feel a burning in the pit of your stomach rise up to your throat, but it wasn't painful, rather- you felt like you were falling asleep. Except this wasn't the time to fall weak, and definitely not to an everlasting sleep.

Using the last bit of energy the mannequin left you, you extended your arm on side and grabbed the flashlight, banging it against its head. It didn't let go right away, obviously not feeling the pain of something like that.

So, instead, you shined the light directly into your face, and thus, its face as well. It froze, and you took the time to uncurl its arms and fling yourself up from the ground, running to a different side of the room. The dark spots in your vision only blended in with the rest of the room.

You could hear the figurines behind you, the pattering of their feet catching up faster than you could run. A red light caught your eye and before you could totally distinguish it, you ran over and flipped the lever.

You listened as the motor burst to life, the light switching from red to green. You fell to your knees as light poured into the basement, the polystyrene hands forced to stop right before they could reach you. Breathing multiple sighs of relief, you slouched down, not bothering to turn off the flashlight. Trying to calm down your racing heart, you inhaled several deep breaths and held your hand to your chest, feeble fingers curling around the fabric in an attempt to find comfort.

You closed your eyes, delighted to have the chance to do so. Wiping a cold sweat from your brow, you opened your eyes again and found yourself back at the facility.

I've never been so happy to see fucking concrete.

"What happened to the specimen? Did you not say that it would be another hour before it woke?" You could hear the man walk up to the glass chamber, but you didn't dare peek around the corner at him.

"I also said that it would become unpredictable." The female wrote down some notes on her new data chart, adjusting her glasses to observe him.

"You are supposed to give me accurate estimates." He crossed his arms, voice demanding and obstructive.

"It is impossible to give an accurate estimate most of the time, especially with something like this. Are you not overjoyed with what we've created?" She was frustrated, having explained the same thing to him over and over.

"I do not see what you promised me. I thought this would be more humanoid, with defining characteristics that would make it able to blend in."

"Well maybe I shouldn't make promises anymore."

"How do you propose of that?"

Out the back of her lab coat came a flashing piece of metal, holding it to the back of his head. He was oblivious to the situation, too wrapped up in his own loathing to recognize that the atmosphere had changed. You peeked around the corner right as she pulled the trigger, ridding her of a nuisance that she knew she should've taken care of earlier.

You immediately backed behind the wall again, now in the same desolate situation that you were in while you were sleeping. She waved the smoke away, tucking her weapon in the back of her coat once more. His body fell to the ground, an oozing hole left where his resentment would have been. She sighed at the idea of cleaning it up, calling in some soldiers to do the job for her as she walked away, ready to test the specimen later.

I really need to get out of this place with Elf, but-!

You met eyes with the figure once more, and it frowned, absorbing the emotion from the woman.

That thing has to go before it causes catastrophic damage.

The last thing you wanted was the whole of Team Elf being taken victim by this thing, blind as of what to do about it. Even you didn't know what to do, and you deal with these every day.

But how? Firstly, I need to get rid of the soldiers. That's no problem.

You summoned a hallucination, sending it to decimate the men, but when you turned around, there wasn't anyone there.

Uh- hello? Hallucination? Can you come out?

No matter what you did or said, there was nothing happening. The only thing you could think of was that the specimen was interrupting your connection with them, or you had a fever too high and it was preventing the hallucinations from being powered enough.

You bitch. This is why you're dying. I hope you hear me right now, because you're not going to hear it for much longer.

You frustratingly glanced around the corner, eyebrows furrowing as the specimen smiled at you, trapped in its chamber. You assumed that it could break out, so what was stopping it from scratching at the glass the same way it was in your head?



Thanks for reading!

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