"Honey, I am so sorry. I know how hard for you that is and especially as it's the anniversary today. I reached behind me, putting a hand on his knee and stroking it gently.

"It's the reason I moved here, and that's when I met you. So something good did come out of it I guess. I'm done you can turn around now." I span around in the bench and saw how well he was coping with everything we were talking about. I smiled at him gently seeing a small glint in his eyes. "Would you like to see her?" I nodded as he got out his wallet. He brought out a square piece of photo paper, handing it to me.

I unfolded it to see, who must have been Nathan, next to a stunning woman with a younger and just as beautiful girl in between them. She had ginger hair still but was a lot darker than Nathans. She had bright green eyes and a few freckles around her nose. The minimalist make up complimented her looks perfectly and she was absolutely stunning.

"Wow, she is so pretty." I told him softly, looking up and seeing he felt the same. He just nodded and placed the photo carefully back in his wallet. I crawled under his arm and we sat on the bench in silence, taking in the blissful view.

"Say something in French." I asked him gently. His worldly power is to know a lot of languages, French being one of them.

"Vous êtes la personne la plus incroyable et magnifique que je ai jamais rencontré et ma sœur auriez-vous aimé." He whispered into my ear.

"Will you tell me what that means?"

"One day." I giggled softly.

"As much as I would like to stay, we have a meeting to go to and I want to see how well you did my hair." Now it was his turn to laugh. We were back in my bedroom within seconds and I leapt to the full length mirror; he had done a really good job.

"I LOVE IT!" I squealed in delight and jumped into his arms, he span us around a little and I held him tightly. Once he put me down I got hold of his hand and headed towards the door.

"Oh, one thing Sang, could you not tell the boys I did your hair? It can be just between you and me."

"Okay, but we better get downstairs before they start the family meeting without us."

* Vous êtes la personne la plus incroyable et magnifique que je ai jamais rencontré et ma sœur auriez-vous aimé= You are the most amazing and beautiful person I have ever met and my sister would have loved you.* (Google Translate)

Part 8b

I walked into the large dining room we had. There were 10 seats, some of the guys were seated in our places but others must've still been out. The guys were happily chatting away with each other as Nathan and I entered further into the room. Suddenly a large gasp came from one of them which caused the others to quickly fall silent.

"TROUBLE! I love what you've done with your hair!" Gabe said, motioning me to come to him. I blushed and looked at Nathan who smiled as he sat next to Kota.

"Hello Meanie. How was school?" I asked giving him a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.

"It was hell, as usual. I still don't see why you couldn't come to my school instead." He whined and giggled.

"Because North is terrifying enough to scare anyone we don't like away." I whispered softly to him as he released me from the hug.

"Sweeeeeetieeeeee! Can I have a proper welcome now?" Dr Sean said throwing his arms out.

"Ooh, I don't know. You did give me to Owen to throw in the pool..." I turned to the side slightly.

"Oh please, it was only because you ate all the ice-cream..."

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