'You see, before I entered your mothers life, I had sought out a seer. She told me many things but the one thing that stuck was you. She told me I would have one child. My child would be a Fae of Light. She went on to explain that my child would fall in love with the only Fae of Darkness. Together they would give birth to the most powerful Fae of all. The Fae that could control all seven elements. The product of Light and Darkness, a reward for coming together finally.' 

My breath caught in my throat, not allowing any words to fall out. I didn't know what to say even if I was able to speak but he saw my silence as an invitation to carry on.

'I stayed away, I couldn't tarnish your Light heart with my dark desires before you took your first real breath. And I certainly couldn't let your mothers side taint you either. Any darkness in your heart could have ruined everything' 

'Well that's unlucky for you because I have done dark magic so my heart is tarnished' I retorted, finally finding my voice. 

'Oh sweet child' He let out a hollow chuckle, the smirk not leaving his smug mouth. 'You have already given birth to what I need. I don't care if you go dark now' 

I swallowed the bile that rose to my mouth. 

'I was the one to take you from your mother, giving you to the Blackwood's. My shape shifting skills paid off that day. Poor Bellatrix was deceived once again. And the Blackwood's were so desperate for a child that they didn't even question anything.' 

'But they home schooled me for years, how could you be sure that I would meet Mattheo?' I questioned, my voice hiding another sound behind me. It was closer this time and I felt my hair stand up at the back of my neck. I really hoped it was just the old flooring of the room settling once again after having our feet on it but I knew deep down someone was there. A guard maybe. 

'I was the one to convince your adoptive parents to send you to Hogwarts.' He leaned back against the railings, causing it to creak again. 'It was a risk, having you so close to Darkness without being consumed by it but I had nothing to worry about. You was consumed by something else instead. Love. Both of you instantly connected, even if it was a little rocky at the start. I was ready to use powerful love spells but none were needed. You were drawn to each other. Yin and Yang. Morning and Night, Love and Hate. Light and Darkness' 

His grin grew as satisfaction that his ultimate plan was finally coming together. 

'When Mattheo died, I must admit, I panicked slightly. But my dear girl, you was already pregnant before he even said I do. Everything was happening perfectly. It was better than perfect. With the Fae of Darkness dead, taking the child would have been easier.' 

Robert paused for a second and took my ring from his pocket. Holding it up, the moon reflected of the diamonds, the gleam momentarily making me squint. 

'But somehow he was bought back with one of these' He stared at it, turning it curiously.

'A horcrux' I murmured. 

'Yes' He bought his hand back down, clutching the ring in his palm. 'I never did understand horcrux's. They are a fascinating thing. Only a wizard that is truly dark can create one. Splits one's soul. Tell me, does Mattheo have any soul left to split?' 

'He has more soul than what you have.' I growl, feeling myself self getting angrier. 

'Hmm,' He nodded, my insult not affecting him at all. 'Your mother found me. Or rather I found her wandering the world, looking for different ways to bring back the dead. She was my way in. I was going to just take the child once she was born but call me sentimental if you will, I wanted to get to know you. After all these years of watching you grow from the side lines, I wanted the chance to really speak to you, as your father. You are still my daughter after all.' 

Insatiable Desires ~Mattheo Riddle~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now