"Will you get that thing away!" Pansy squealed, swatting her arms around in the air like a swarm of bees were in the air about to attack. "I'm allergic, I'm, like, literally gonna die!"

Liv ignored the girl, continuing to let the entire Defence Against The Dark Arts class fuss over her new pet laying peacefully in her arms.

"She's just too cute!"

"You're so lucky!"

"Can I hold her?"

The fuss had meant no one in the class had noticed Professor Lupin arrive, and no one had noticed they should probably be concentrating on anything but the kittens. Remus was smiling, nonetheless.

"Girls?" He called to Liv and Padma, who were hidden in the middle of the crowd. "What've you got there?"

"A kitty," Liv grinned, not a single ounce of sorry in her tone.

"A kitty?" Remus repeated. "In my classroom?"

"They won't be any trouble, i promise," Liv begged with a pout, fearing he'd deny them in his class.

"They already seem to be a distraction," Remus replied, raising an eyebrow at the clearly distracting scene.

"How could they not be!" Liv squealed, holding the kitten up to his face.

"Very cute," he chucked. "Now will everyone please take their seats,"

The class scattered slowly to their seats, Liv and Padma taking their usual ones near the back, unlike Harry and Ron who were dragged to the front by Hermione. Remus handed our work sheet, blabbed on about it being important for the end of year test (Liv had zone out) and let the room fall to a light murmur for the rest of the class.

Liv didn't bother reading the worksheet. She picked up her pen, swirling it around in patterns to draw little doodles and spent most of the time fussing over Dixie, similar to Padma with Pixie.

"He's kind of attractive, don't you think?"

Lavender broke the silence that had been surprisingly comforting, considering Liv had had enough of it over the Christmas holidays. But the holidays were over and her friends were back, and Professor Lupin's Defence Against the Darks Arts class was full of life once more – and, for the first time in a long time, the sun was creeping through the windows leaving a light warmth to ponder in the air.

"Who?" Liv murmured. She was busy doodling on the parchment that was still yet to be scribbled with notes from the class. Remus was definitely going to be mad about that the second he saw.

"Professor Lupin," Lavender replied proudly. Liv had almost forgotten what they were talking about, but couldn't help her mouth fall agape when she remembered.

Padma laughed – more like cackled – so loud half the class turned around in either curiosity or to give her an annoyed, dirty look.

"Lavender" Liv said strongly, being one those students who'd given Padma a dirty look. "Shut up before I barf,"

Padma's laughter had only encouraged the girl more, causing her to do much more than 'shut up' as Liv had asked.

"I bet he's good in bed too, you know what they say about the taller guys," Lavender continued, staring idly towards Professor Lupin's desk at the front of the class.

"Oh my God!" Liv gasped, slamming her hands against her ears. "I don't want to hear it, Lavender!"

Lavender moved her gaze towards Liv, who still had her hands clamped to the sides of her head "My God, since when you have been such a prude!" She hissed.

"Are you girls alright? Remus asked, hearing the babble of noise coming from the back of the class.

"We're fine," Liv immediately called back.

"Actually, I could do with help please, Sir," Lavender said.

Liv, mouth agape, didn't know what to do. "Oh my God he's coming over," Liv muttered, slumping down in her seat hoping the ground would just eat her up so she could disappear completely.

"Maybe we should just tell her," Padma suggested, a large smile still playing at her lips.

"Are you crazy?" Liv hissed so Lavender wouldn't hear. "No one can know or my life will be ruined,"

Padma shrugged. "You're just going to have to put up with her flirting with your Dad then...  remember what she was like with Lockhart?"

"That was understandable! My dads old –"

"He isnt old!

"Don't you start!"

"I'm literally a lesbian,"

"Right, yeah," Liv tutted. "What are they doing? I cant bear to look,"

Padma looked beyond Liv where Lavender was sat and shrugged. "It looks like she's just playing dumb, she's not exactly eating his face,"

With no other option, Liv slammed her head into the desk.

"Merlin, are you okay?" Padma gasped, jumping back in her seat at the loud 'bang' Liv's head made contacting the hard surface.

"Liv?" Remus had said in a concerned tone

"You are such clutz!" Lavender laughed, eyeing her strangely. "Anyways, Professor Lupin, question seven..."

Liv pulled her now aching head off the table to interrupted the girl. "Can I go to the bathroom?" It caused Lavender to huff, followed by an eye roll.

"If you must," Remus responded. Liv immediately stood from the table and quickly walked away.

"Liv?" Remus called, Liv groaned. "Leave the cat behind, please,"

Liv cursed under breath, spinning back around. "I don't need to go anymore," she grumbled, and sat back down in her seat.

"How convenient," He smiled, turning back to Lavender. "Sorry, Lavender, where were we?"

Liv sighed hard, scratching the top of the kittens head laying in her lap. How could she be mad at her Dad after getting her her dream pet? She was almost thankful enough to forget the fact Lavender was continuing to play dumb (even after what seemed like forever) and forget about the whole situation untill class came to an end.

When class finally did come to an end, Liv's peice of paper was still free of notes (whoops!) and was immediately chucked into the bin. Liv and Padma made sure to spend extra time showing their books in their bags and cleaning their desks, hoping their friends would leave without them due to them taking so long.

It worked, and when the last student finally slipped out through the classroom door the girls were running towards Remus with joy.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" They squealed, springing themselves into his arms.

"Oh, where did you get them!" Liv asked, the shock of her Father ever buying a creature with hair still not having fully settled in.

Remus was smiling, holding the girls in his arms. "Professor McGonagall asked if knew anyone who'd be interested, i badly wanted to say no... but how could I?"


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