When she was still nice to her.

"Uhm, promise not to be mad Izzy." Lyric started making the brunette raise her brow at the beginning of the conversation. Frankly she was more worried about the fact she warned her in her legal name, Izzy? No I'm baby.
"No, I'm more weary about you saying my legal name, call me baby and you might have more convincing." Izzy stated with a playful smirk, god how she loved the woman in front of her.

"Fine, babe." She started with the emphasis making izzy nod with validation, she sighed before walking into the house, shutting it behind her, noticing how Izzy hid something behind her protectively, almost maternally.

Before she knew it, Lyric stepped aside revealing Willa in all her glory, Willa gave her an offended look by basically throwing her to the wolves while wrapping her arms tightly around herself for 'comfort' in a way.

"Babe..." Izzy started with no emotion, she knew how she felt about having another little, but she couldn't help staring a little longer at the shorter girl practically trying to cling her small body like a magnet with her wife.

"I know, I know, but don't you think it's time? Maybe we could give it a try, I haven't felt like this in so long. I missed it, so much." Lyric whispered as Izzy sighed, "fine. She's your responsibility." Izzy stated before walking away, Lyric tried to avoid her look of hurt before lifting Willa in her arms gently.

"Hey love, is it okay if I give you a bath?" She asked gently, she knew the rest of the group didn't come home for about a few more hours so luckily she could get her slightly adjusted before they all coddled over her. Willa nodded slightly before she was lead to the bathroom, the woman walked slowly up the stairs as Willa yawned softly while rubbing her eyes.

"Oh I know my love, we can go to sleep after the bath and go shopping tomorrow okay?" She stated softly, she had a few items like night protection but she had nothing from Theo, it was all in the attic but she probably couldn't bring herself to use it, she couldn't replace him. "Can I take off your clothes? Or do you want to be big and do it yourself?" She asked for the girls comfort, Willa thought for a moment before pointing to the woman.

She for once was going to trust her intuition on Lyric, as much as she hated being vulnerable she felt the most safe she had been in her entire life. Something that made her yearn to be in the woman's hold forever, if she was gone she felt she couldn't be safe anymore already.

She was terrified to know if she stayed longer how much she would trust her with her vulnerability, once Lyric got the water ready she gently took off her clothing and looked horrified at the amount of scars and bruises in her body, barley any were self inflicted which made her want to kill whomever caused it.

She took in a shaky breath gently helping her into the bath, she scrubbed gently at the girls body, relieving any sweat or dirt. It took about three full tubs of warm water for it to come clear, she sighed softly while grabbing a towel. "Okay bug, you can wear one of my shirts okay?" She told her softly while walking into their bedroom, she gently laid Willa on the bed while dressing her in a shirt.

Once she got a pull-up and diaper though, Willa whined slightly. "I not baby." She huffed crossing her arms with her lip stuck out into a painfully adorable pout, Lyric sighed softly crouching in front of her. "I know you aren't, How about we wear the big girl one then? I just want to make sure you don't wake up icky." The woman stated sincerely, Willa nodded after thought, she would hate to wake up icky and ruin their bed.

"Good girl." She stated softly kissing her head gently before helping her into the pull-up, once she lifted Willa back into her arms she was practically half asleep. "Let's eat before you go to bed huh?" Lyric whispered softly into her ear, entering the kitchen while looking for toddler friendly meals.

After a while she was satisfied enough with some maple and brown sugar oatmeal, a plastic cup and straw with water, and a bowl of strawberries, blackberries, mangos and bananas. She sat her on a chair as she held a spoon full of hot oats to her mouth.

The small girl took it immediately and hummed at the sweet taste and texture. It wasn't long before she finished it, once she got to the fruit though, she was covered in mushed banana and juices from the berries and mango.

Lyric had to hold back a laugh as she wiped her face slowly, "oh your a messy one aren't you?" Lyric joked playfully as Willa giggled slightly, she held up the straw to her mouth while holding the cup for her as she drank.

Once it was finished she picked the girl off the chair into her own arms, holding her close as she walked towards the couch and sat down. "How about we watch something huh?" She asked eagerly, not wanted to tell her the real reason. She knew if she said the word theres no doubt it would be hell trying to put her to sleep at night.

Willa nodded slightly while Lyric looked over the shows, deciding on 'Little bear' as soon as the girl kept staring longingly at the picture on the tv. She sat back cradling her gently while dimming the lights, lightly caressing her arm as she rocked her. She hated to admit how empty her arms felt since the incident.

Willa watched the show quietly as she noticed the woman, Izzy from before. She smiled slightly through her fingers in her mouth, tilting her head slightly as the woman stared in silent adoration, of course she never went towards the pair. The smaller girl returned her attention to the show, feeling the most content in so long. She felt her eyes gently open and close, slowly letting her tired state take over.

Once Lyric saw she was asleep, she stared silently at the girl, caressing her cheek lightly while taking in her adorable features. Her chubby cheeks, her mouth slightly open from sleep, her adorable sighs in her sleep.

"I haven't seen you like this in a while." She heard a voice quietly speak out, she looked up to the sight of Izzy with a weak smile. Looking down at the smaller girl in her arms and nodding at her wife. "I can't help it, I don't know why. I just couldn't leave her there." Lyric whispered softly as Izzy tilted her head in confusion. "What do you mean amore?" She asked in her raspy Italian accent, the same one izzy fell for the first time they met.

"She kept coming to the store, I'm guessing she didn't have a home judging by her dirty state, at first she wouldn't let me get near her, I had to set the plate down a couple feet away before sitting down and standing still. She was so scared, I-I couldn't leave her Iza. When I gave her a bath, you should have seen it, there was bruises and scars all over her." Lyric stated quivering slightly, tears clouding her vision as Izzy kissed her wife comfortingly.

She had never seen her wife so upset, not since what happened to Theo, she had been surprised she let her maternal side out ever again. She knew the girl had to be special in some way, Lyric was so heartbroken and cold after the incident, they both were. She never thought she would see her wife like this with another little again. "She's safe now, don't worry, if it makes you happy that's all I care about, your happiness is all I want in life."

Lyric smiled slightly at the words of her wife, leaning against her shoulder before letting out a soft sigh. "I'm gonna put her in the guest room next to us, I'm going to get her stuff tomorrow if you want to come?" Lyric asked hopefully, how could Izzy say no to such a face.

"Of course." Izzy spoke softly, as much as she didn't want to get attached, seeing her wife so gentle made her heart somehow feel full again. She knew they needed her and she needed them, no matter how scared Izzy was.


Another 3am finish lol my sleep schedule is so bad hope you enjoyed though! 😌

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