Ch. 5

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I'm still at the park even though it's 6 in the evening and I should probably be home right now, but I'm right here in the park, and doing nothing. I don't know why i'm still here, I really dont. Might as well look at the pictures that I took. I was halfway looking when I heard a click. I looked around and saw that no one was there. Hmm fishy. I went back on looking and I heard it again, okay this is creeping me out I should go home. Yeah i should probably go home. I stand up and went home, and heard a click again. i just ignored it, maybe it's just my imagination or something.

When i went back home, my parents aren't home yet, probably went on a date or something (ew) or maybe an event. I made myself a sandwich, even though it's dinner time and I should be cooking for myself but my laziness summoned me so i'm sticking with making a sandwich. I went up and ate my sandwich. Then laid down, with my camera again in my hand, I don't know why im very attached to my camera again for the past few days. Maybe it's the guy? i don't know? Good lord help me please.

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