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Hange loved Eren like a son.

But if he dropped another sterile tattoo gun on the ground, they were going to have to put him in the corner for a timeout.

There was nothing Hange loved more than working while it was rainy outside. The dark and cool atmosphere calmed all of their clients as they worked, and it helped them get into a rhythm as they dragged the needle across their skin.

But when Eren showed up for work today, he sort of wrecked the vibe.

The boy was muttering to himself, and kept dropping ink bottles and sterile equipment that he was supposed to be stocking into the cabinets. It was distracting, nonetheless.

It was clear the brunette was moping, and Hange hadn't given him any clients to work on today the moment they saw his under eye circles.

He couldn't get it out of his head.

He didn't even give a shit about Mikasa anymore, but he just couldn't stop thinking about it.

Jean rejected Mikasa.
Jean rejected Mikasa.
Jean rejected Mikasa.


Jean rejected Mikasa, for him.

He'd tossed and turned all night, replaying what happened two years ago at the bridge in his mind.

He'd shoved him. Jean had come to check on him, and he fucking shoved him.

Eren was barely paying attention to which shelf he put which colored ink on, and in the depths of his stomach, he felt nauseas.

Jean rejected a girl he loved— no, the girl he was in love with, for their friendship.

And all Eren could think about was how he practically spit on the boy when all Jean was worried about that night, was if he was okay. What had Jean said? Mikasa had told Jean she loved him, and Jean still was only worried about Eren.

It made Eren sick.

And what made it worse was that he could see it now. Why hadn't he been able to before? The way he always saw Jean looking at Mikasa. He really had been in love with her.

He was Jean's best friend! He, out of everyone, should have seen it! He should have been there! He should have been there for Jean like all those times he was there for him.

Goddammit, Jean was right. Eren was a dick.

But Eren knew one thing for sure.

Jean was still in love with Mikasa. He hadn't changed his mind on that. Because if anyone knew his best friend er— Jean, it was him.

Eren fumbled and dropped a box of gloves. Hange gave him a look. He picked the box back up and put it on the shelf.

And then y/n. What the hell was Jean thinking holding her hand while he was still in love with Mikasa?

I should be holding her hand.

But he can't, because of what he said to her. No wonder she went to Jean. Could he do anything right?

And these stupid fucking butterflies in his stomach! The more he tried to ignore them, the more the fluttery bastards persisted every time he saw her.

She was probably angry at him, hell he was angry at himself. And now what could he do? He still remembered that conversation of Jean's that he overheard. Today was Saturday. Jean was taking her out tonight. He'd probably woo her, and sweep her off her feet. Because Eren knew Jean better than anybody.

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