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You laid awake in your bed, staring at the ceiling. Your pillow was cold, and your legs moved restlessly under the warm comforter, searching for a comfortable position. Across the room, you could hear Sasha snoring lightly.

You let out a sigh, and once again attempted to close your eyes, hoping that sleep would drag you under and relieve you of your thoughts. Try as you might, you couldn't stop thinking about Historia's words.

"Its like he thinks its a game"

You didn't want to believe her. You were desperatly hoping that Eren was not a horrible person. You wanted to believe that Historia was lying to you. That she was making everything up. But you couldn't. You had seen the look on her face as she had explained Eren's past behavior. You couldn't ignore the hurt that had played across those big blue eyes. She had genuinly felt bad. There was no denying the truth to her statement.

You rolled over onto your side, facing that wall.

How could he possibly be a selfish person? He hadn't acted like a player when he was with you. After all, you had been the one to initiate the first kiss. Your mind wandered back to the night of the beach party.

"Is this okay?" he had asked.

He hadn't pressured you into anything. In fact, you could picture his face as he had asked that question. He had looked like he would have stopped immediatly if you had said no.

Is he using me? Is he just trying to get close to me so that he can break my heart?

Eren's behavior wasn't matching up with what Historia had told you. You didn't know what to do.

And then there was the matter of Jean.

Just thinking about him caused a flush of heat to spill out over your cheeks. The way he had let you lay your head on his shoulder during class, or how he could make you laugh by doing the smallest things. And not to mention your obvious attraction to him. Once again, your mind drifted back to the beach party. The way the water droplets had rolled down his chest, the faint glow from his glowstick necklace casting a warm light over his face. The lopsided goofy smile he had given you had made your heart skip a beat.

Fuck, you thought.

You had two guys. One was goofy and sweet, always making you laugh. The other was mysterious and deep, leaving you curious and wanting more. You didn't know what to do. But you couldn't deny that you felt drawn to both of them.

Soon enough, after what felt like forever, the sweet escape of sleep managed to drag you under, and you greatfully fell into its embrace.


You awoke only hours later to a banging on the door.

"Police!! Open up!" someone whisper shouted while the banging continued.

Your eyes opened grogily, and a confused expression overtook your features.

The police?

A glance at you alarm clock told you that it was about 3:00 A.M.

You swung your legs off the bed, and walked over to the door stifling a yawn. As you neared the door, you could hear a light chuckle coming from whoever was banging on the door.

"Who the fuck is banging on my door at three i-" you started as you opened the door.

Connie and Jean stood dressed in sweatpants and sweatshirts smiling down at your sleepy figure.

You watched as Jean's eyes carefully examined your body. He and Connie still wore goofy smiles, and looked like two kids that had just woken up on Christmas morning.

Just This Once || ErenxreaderxjeanWhere stories live. Discover now