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"Okay, okay, tell me what he said, exactly", Sasha asked, leaning forwards on her hands and knees as she rested atop her bunk.

Lightheartedly, you let out a sigh as you rubbed your temples.

"He said, 'I have feelings for you. Real ones. For you'", you repeated Jean's confession.

"Oh my goddddd! The man finally did it! Connie owes me $50!", the brunette squealed, overjoyed that her longtime friend had finally worked up the guts to speak his mind.

Ymir, who sat on the lower bunk, sprawled across her girlfriend's lap, promptly gagged.


Historia smacked her arm. "I think it's cute!", the blonde countered with a smile.

You held a small smile of your own upon your lips, but when you didn't reply with your own cheers of enthusiasm, your roommates grew intrigued.

"What? What happened? You don't look happy about what he said." Sasha was practically hanging off of her bunk now, as she wanted to make sure she heard every word you said.

You leaned up on your elbows from your previously laid back position. "Its not... Its not that. I told him I needed time to think," you winced, "and then I sort of, left him there?"

Ymir whistled. "That's cold."

"You left him there?" Historia cocked her head at you, her face showing sympathy for the boy.

"Yeah", you admitted in a flat tone, your head falling back so you could stare at the ceiling. "We haven't spoken in three days."

"And the list goes on! You are on a roll, y/n", Ymir announced, throwing her head back as she laughed.

Historia murmured a quick "shut up" to Ymir, to which the freckled girl ignored.

"Tell me about it", you sighed, wishing things didn't have to be so complicated.

"So why did you tell him you needed time to think?", Sasha asked.

"It just...", you sighed, "It caught me off guard. I mean, it's not like I hadn't already suspected that he may have had feelings for me, but well, we were kind of, um, arguing? And he just blurted it out, so I panicked."

You chewed on your bottom lip as Historia and Sasha stared intently at you. Ymir couldn't have looked happier to be side-eyeing your anxious face as she picked at her cuticles.

"Arguing about what?", Sasha asked.

You looked up at the brunette, her own big, brown eyes practically drawing the answer from your lips.

"He was pissed that I was hanging out with Mikasa."

Your gaze honed in on your fingernails, suddenly interested in picking at any dirt you could find, so you didn't see when Sasha's eyes flicked down towards Historia's, and the two girls shared a look.

"And then I got pissed, because I don't think he should have any right to tell me who I can or can't be friends with, and the whole thing just got heated", you continued.

Historia was nodding along as you spoke.

"I think it's good that you stood up for yourself in that aspect at least! You're right about that, he doesn't get to tell you that you can't be friends with Mikasa, no matter what happened between them."

You couldn't help the sigh that escaped you as Historia finished her sentence. There is was again. One more person who knew the details that Jean refused to tell you.

Just This Once || ErenxreaderxjeanWhere stories live. Discover now