The creature flapped its wings, allowing it to hover above the water as it let out a loud roar.

With that, the creature began to fly to the nearest land, as it was flying the creature seemed to be giving off some sort of red smoke or red dust.

It was a casual day at the school of Kuoh Academy, the students that arrived early were chatting among themselves as the ones who weren't early are just arriving now.

Making her way towards the school was Ras Gremory, Rias appeared to be an average beautiful young woman with a voluptuous body but that's what people think she is

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Making her way towards the school was Ras Gremory, Rias appeared to be an average beautiful young woman with a voluptuous body but that's what people think she is.

But in secret, she is a Devil, not those from movies with red skin, goat legs, or ram horns. Not those were demons, Devils are much different than demons. For starters, Devils are more intelligent while demons arent and use brute strength.

Rias was a part of a very powerful devil family, she is actually next in line to be the head of her clan.

However, at the moment Rias was in deep thought about something.

Rias: 'where could he have gone? there's no way he survived that Fallen Angel attack, I saw his blood and...some sort of Red Dust?'

(Flash Back)

Rias was sitting in her clubroom waiting patiently, she was told by one of her servants that a boy named Issei Hyoudou gained a date with a girl named Yuuma, but Rias knew that girl was a fallen angel.

A fallen angel was basically an Angel that was kicked out of heaven for committing sinful actions, such as Murder, lust, and much more.

Rias knew that the Fallen Angels were in Kuoh, but she didn't do anything about it cause she had to wait and see what they were planning first. Turns out they were sent to Kuoh to keep an Eye on Issei Hyoudou but looks like they have decided to murder him.

Rias has also kept an eye on Issei for some time and has sensed that he had a sacred gear, which is also known as God's Artifacts, which are items with powerful abilities bestowed upon humans by God of the Bible.

So Rias had an idea to save Issei's life, she would reincarnate him as one of her servants. That way he can live and Rias gets a new servant, so she sent her Familiar on the day that his date was happening and gave Issei a summoning circle on it.

However, something went wrong...Rias has waited for Issei to summon her, but nothing.

Rias: "He should have summoned me by now, maybe the Fallen hasn't killed him yet..."

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