He Loves Me Back

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Yeshiva POV

It had been a month since that whole thing with Vince. Nya had just turned three five days ago. We had her birthday at the house and invited all her friends she has at day care. They had cake, ice cream, mini burgers, juice, listened to music, watch a movie, and she even had a sleep over with some of them. It was a great feeling to know my baby was having fun with her little friends.

The whole time, Nathan was nowhere to be found. He wouldn't even answer his phone. I haven't heard from him or anything. It's shameful how he did his daughter like that.

Darron had just come home from work and I was laying on the couch with Nya. She was asleep and The Other Guys was playing on the DVD player. I had on sweats, and Nya had on her Sponge Bob pajamas.

"Hey Shiva." Darron said.

"Hey Darron. What's up?" I said smiling at him.

"Nothing much. Work was boring. Glad to be at home looking at your pretty face." Darron said.

"Thanks. Wanna join us watchin this movie?" I asked.

"After my shower. I can't be stinking." Darron said before walking to his room.

Nya woke up and started whining about wanting to know if her "Uncle Darron" was home yet. I told her he was and she started cheering. I swear I wish he was her dad instead of Nathan. He made a way better father than him. He paid attention to her and made her laugh. He played dolls with her. He watched movies with her. He spent time with her.

Nathan just made her take naps and eat. That was all he did. There was no bonding and no love. It was just eat, sleep, and shit. I don't understand how Nathan changed. He seems to still be doing the same shit he been doing. Well, besides the disrespecting me part.

"Hey hey." Darron said coming back into the room and sitting on the couch.

Nya climbed on his lap, put her thumb in her mouth, and gave him the puppy dog face. She only did that when she wanted something. She also did that when she wanted attention.

"Uncle Darron, will you be my daddy? I don't like mine." she said.

My eyes got large. I was shocked. Well, maybe I'm not the only one who wants to replace Nathan with Darron. She seemed to be fed up with Nathan's bullshit too and she was only three.

"Ummm I don't know about that, but who wants ice cream?" he asked.

"Me!" Nya and I screeched at the same time.

"Well then, lets go get some ice cream!" Darron said as

"Yay!" Nya and I cheered.

Darron let Nya and I got get dressed before we left. I put on a sun dress and some sandals. Nya put on her grey t shirt with "I Love Being a Kid" in purple letters, some blue jeans, and some grey flats. I put her hair in two ponytails and put her little play rings on.

When Nya and I walked out to the car, Darron was already waiting on us. He grabbed Nya and opened the door sitting her in her car seat and strapping her in. He then opened the door for me and held my hand as I got in the car. He closed the doors and got in in the driver's side.

He drove us to The Ice Cream Express where we got out the car and went in the place. We ordered what we wanted and sat down.

"So, I have something to tell you Shiva." Darron said.

"Like what?" I asked.

"I have feeling for you. I have for a while. Like since I showed you around the house. You're beautiful and you have a kind heart. You're independent and you're a great mother. No man could ever ask for such a beautiful intelligent woman." he said looking me in my eyes.

"Uncle Darron likes mommy!" Nya cheered laughing.

"Haha. Yea Nya. Darron loves Mommy." Darron said.

My eye brows were raised and my eyes were huge. My jaw was on the floor. I couldn't believe he felt the same way. If he had told me, we could have been together a long time ago.

"Darron I feel the same way. I've felt it since I met you at the airport that day." I said

"That's great Shiva. I love you so much." Darron said before kissing me.

It was like fire works went off. As if everything around us had just disappeared. As if all I could ask for had been given to me. It was the feeling of peace and satisfaction.

"Umm... Thanks." I said after we pulled away.

"Ew! Y'all nasty," Nya said as we finally got our ice cream.

"Sorry Nya." we both said at the same time.

For the rest of the night, we had a fun day. We went to Six Flags. We went to the grocery store and bought pizza ingredients and then made a pizza. Nathan never did this. Darron seriously was all the family Nya and I could ever have or ask for.

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