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Yeshiva POV

The plane landed and Nya and I exited the plane with our things. We went through baggage claim and kept walking. The last email I received from these people said they would be somewhere on section C5. I held Mya's hand and we walked all the way over to section C5.

"Are you Yeshiva?" I heard a deep voice behind me.

"Yes." I said turning to look behind me at two tall, handsome men. Damn they were fine.

The one on the left was about 6'4, muscular, and toned. He had tattoos all over and was very light skinned. His hair was in a box cut. He had a nose ring and plump pink lips.

The other was a light caramel complexion and was also tall. He was about 6'0 and he was toned as well. He had tattoos, but not as many. He had an afro and plump lips.

"I'm Omar, and this is Darron. We're your roommates." The one with the afro said.

What the fuck?

"Uh... nice to.... meet y'all." I said as I looked at them in confusion.

"You weren't expecting guys were you? Well, ya see, we needed a feminine touch to the house." Darron said.

"Okay, I guess. So lets go. I'm jet lag." I said.

"Alright. Let's go." Omar said.

Darron, Omar, Nya, and I all walked out of the airport with Omar holding one bag, and Darron holding the other. I held a sleeping Nya as we walked to their car. It was nice. It was a green Lamborghini Gallardo.

As we drove to the house, the guys made conversation.

"So, what part of Texas are you from?" they asked.

"Fort Worth Texas." I said.

"Cool. I'm from Louisiana and Darron here is from Virginia." Omar said.

"Cool. I've never been to either of those places, but I'd like to visit one day." I said.

"You ever been outside of Texas before?" Darron asked as he turned on a street.

"Naw." I said.

"Now you have." Omar said as we pulled into the driveway.

"This is it." Darron said before getting out of the car and opening my door for me.

"Your bedroom is already set up with a comfortable bed." Omar said.

"Aw thank you! I came down here with a whole plan to go buy a bed." I said with relief.

The house looked large from the outside. It was a red brick house and it was a two story. The grass was green and mowed, and the bushes were trimmed. The house had a two car garage with a white garage door.

"This is nice." I said as I took Nya out of her car seat.

"Thanks. We bought it and have been living here for two years." Omar said.

"Lucky. I lived in a small two bedroom apartment with a naggy mother for two years." I said.

"Hahaha." Darron laughed as he and Omar grabbed my bags and took them inside the house.

I walked in behind them. The walls were an eggshell color. The floors were wooden. The furniture was black and it sat in front of a big screen television. In front of it sat a PlayStation making me long to play grand theft auto.

"I'll show you around." Darron said as soon as he came down stairs from putting my bags away.

"Okay." I said while still holding a sleeping Nya.

"This is the living room. Come with me." he said before starting to walk to the kitchen. I followed behind him.

I was lead into a red and white decorated kitchen. It looked boring even though it had a loud red color to it. He opened the pantry door and there was nothing but microwave dinners and junk food.

"Wow." I said.

"I know. Nobody cooks. Omar knows how, but he refuses." Darron said.

"I'll teach you how to cook. Then you can cook and not give Omar any." I said smiling.

"That's a great idea. I think I like you already." Darron said smiling.

Next, we went to the backyard. It had a large patio and an even bigger backyard. Nya would have a ball playing back here. I smiled and snuggled her closer to me, I mean, we were in New York, and it was pretty chilly out.

We walked back into the house and went up the stairs. Darron lead me down a hall. It had four doors. The walls up here were a light grey color and the floor was now tile.

"This is your room." he said opening a door.

The walls were tan, it had nice bed that looked like s sleep expert bed. They hadn't put a comforter on it, but it was still comfortable looking. I hadn't been in a bed in the past 9 hours, so of course I was elated to be able to get into one. Of course, my bags were in the corner. There was a dresser I could put me and Nya's stuff in. There was a closet I could put me and Nya's cute clothes in.

"This is so nice." I said smiling.

"I'm directly across from you and Omar is next a two rooms down." Darron said.

"Alright. Thank you so much for showing me around." I said.

"You're welcome. I'll let you and the little one get settled. What's her name?" he asked.

"Ny'anna." I said.

"Beautiful name. I guess she's just like her mother. Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." he said before winking and leaving the room.

I laid Nya on the bed so she could sleep comfortably while I drooled over Darron and unpacked.

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