Ex Girlfriend

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Yeshiva POV

It had been three days since Nya and Nathan went back to Texas. I was lonely as fuck! I started working over time to keep myself busy so I wouldn't think about missing Nya. I had become extremely attached to her. I wondered what she was doing. I had been calling Nathan three times a day and he's gotten annoyed with me.

I had just come home from work. I was tired as hell. I was probably going to go curl up in bed with Darron or Omar because they let me sleep in the bed with them because I'm suffering from separation anxiety.

"Omar! Darron! I'm home! Who's bed can I sleep in?" I yelled loudly.

Darron's door opened and he and some chick came out. She was light skinned, had one side of her hair shaved off with a design on it, and lot's of tattoos. She was super thick, almost as thick as me, and she was only in her panties and bra. She gave me a daring smirk and rolled her eyes at me.

"Hello. Sorry for all the noise. I'm Yeshiva. And you are?" I asked holding out my hand for her to shake.

"Erin." she said putting both her hands on her hips and not shaking my hand.

"Oh okay. Umm well, I'll just go to the kitchen now." I said before turning and walking into the kitchen.

"Stop looking at her booty." I heard Erin tell Darron.

"Whatever. Don't you have somewhere to be?" Darron said annoyed at Erin's shitty attitude.

"Ugh. I'll get my clothes and leave. I know you just wanna sit here and eat this bitch ass!" she said before going in Darron room and getting her shit and leaving.

Once Darron walked in the kitchen, he already knew what I was going to say. After Carla, Veronica, and Olivia, I had had just about enough of these crazy ass females.

"Darron that bitch is a bitch." I said as I fixed me something to eat.

"I know I'm sorry about her. She's my ex girlfriend and she came back in town. I mean, you seen her, so of course I had to get me some."  he said laughing.

"Hahaha." I forced out a laugh. On the inside, I was angry and jealous.

"So what you been up to?" he asked.

"Work, trying to keep my mind off Nya." I said.

"You can sleep in my bed tonight." he said.

Are you kidding me? I'm not about to be laid up in you and that half bald headed ho sex juices!

"Nah I'm good." I said.

"Alright. Well, I'm gonna go get a shower. I'll see ya when I get out." he said before walking out.

I wasn't even hungry anymore. I threw my food away and went to my room. Why was I so stuck on Darron? I could get any guy I wanted with my curves and personality. I didn't need him.

I hope I don't.

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"Yaaaay dis crazy bitch updated today!" says the readers.
Do y'all think I should start a YouTube channel? I could post the pics of characters in slideshows because I know when I out names of some people, y'all be like "Who tf is dat?" lol. i can't help it tho. i surf the net for book characters. (because I have no life and other than making book covers and talking on the phone, that's all I do.)
hehehe. ttyl. I'll update next chapter in a sec.

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