3 - burger van

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The days went by normally.

Wilbur's burger business slightly failing, due to his worker being a ghost. Unfortunately, Ghostboo was always busy doing everything. He loved exploring, talking about how great it was to be a ghost, etc. Wilbur knew how it felt like to die, so he cut Ghostboo some slack. Instead, he had Tommy help out in the burger van. Even if Tommy was reluctant, he still cooperated. But that doesn't mean he constantly complain to Wilbur.

Quackity tried to fix some things with the casino, always making it better. He tried to do anything to get his mind off of recent events, and since he couldn't get Wil to help him, he had to so it himself.

After setting up some better lighting, he stepped back to examine his work. Satisfied, he left the casino, walking over to the fountain. He looked at Las Nevadas. He thought about it. He didn't need anyone with him, after all he'd taught Slime that he shouldn't be attached to anything. After looking left and right, he looked down at his feet. He was reminded of that night with Wilbur. He pursed his lips as he reminisced of their goodbye.

Then, Quackity thought for a minute. The only reason they hated each other was because they were meant to. But, what if they didn't need to?- Quackity rubbed his eyes as he stopped himself in his tracks. He reminded himself that Wilbur's only intentions were evil. People don't change, for the better atleast. Karl didn't change positively. So why would Wilbur?

But no matter how much he tried to stomach his feelings, he couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt in his gut. Wilbur was so nice that night, and Quackity had just told him off. He tried to drown out these thoughts, but they were too big to swallow. He hesitated, but he decided to give Wilbur a visit.


Wilbur looked bored in the van, hearing Tommy complain for the 68th time. When he saw the familiar small figure coming towards them, he smiled through his cigarette. His head tilted slightly as eyebrows furrowed and his iconic smile shined through his scruffy brown hair. He jumped out of the van, nearly toppling the advertisement sign. He outstretched his arms. His hug being denied by Quackity, whos arms were folded. Wilbur didn't care, though, and he engulfed Quackity in a suffocating hug.

"If it isn't my favorite person ever. Quackity my beloved. In the flesh."

He didn't to, but he smiled at Wilburs warmth and his wording. His eyebrows furrowed and a tint of pink appeared on his face. Wilbur rested his chin on Quackity's beanie, making the most of the hug. It was interrupted, however with an excruciating groan from a familiar voice.

"Oh my god. Affection. Gross. Get a room." Tommy made a fake gagging noise as he flipped a patty.

Wilbur looked over to Tommy. Wilbur released his grip on Quackity, flipping Tommy off and receiving an eye roll from the child. Quackity felt a sort of disappointment in the back of his head, due to the sudden, yet all to familiar cold feeling reaching him again.

Wilbur returned the eye roll, looking back at Quackity, who was lost in thought. His thought was stopped though as Wilbur giggled, jumped, and pointed at Quackity like a child.

"What are you so happy about?" Quackity said, looking away. Making sure Wilbur couldn't see the very obvious red on his cheeks.

"Quackityyy! You're blushing!" Wilbur teased in a light airy voice, putting an emphasis on the y. He leaned down to squish Quackity's face, squeezing his own to resemble a taunting kissy-face. Both of their faces painfully inching close to each other.

Quackity looked over to see Tommy focused on assembling the burger he was making, the poor child looked completely done with everything.

"Get off, asshole!" Quackity wasn't the theater kid at all, so acting like he hated Wilbur was difficult. But it should have been easy to, right?

-❝𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞.❞ 𝙏𝙉𝙏𝙙𝙪𝙤Where stories live. Discover now