Chapter 9

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Regarding the dream i had, I got to my cute set office (video Rentals shop) some mornings to the day i had the dream. Perhaps, I did not lay more reference to the mare as something quite vital since though, that wasn't the first time I'd dream for the year, but just that such dream could affirmatively be likened as the weirdest had so far in my entire life. I would not pray to loose what I have, but I can't keep lingering around unreal predispositions. I arranged the fore face and dusted the surface of most huge palette decorated outside to do the talking of what we sell. My boss should though have come as of usual to settle the spent month salary but who am I to exclaim for my payment when he hasn't even for once owed me a dime.

As I continued trailing the daily sanitational routine, I saw a video cassette owning no label on the high desk behind one of the hanging poaches around. At first, I thought my boss perhaps must have come over to pick up something even after I closed the previous day. Why would I have thought of that? The way the shop woody terrace got half brokenly seen when I got around that morning quested through an objection. But who am I to question? I called boss immediately to confirm what I'd hastily suggested but he said he didn't return to shop after the formal closure. Immediately I dropped the call, I staggered, wondering if really we've not been robbed.

I checked through the cartons within which almost all of our goods were kept. "The emperor, half of an heart, life of an orphan, illuminator, beowulf and all" are intact. I checked through the record book to know the holder of some sort of those unhinged and behold, they were well starred. "That means we've racked no loss ", I murmured to myself to drop the broom I'd held over almost an hour ago, sweating profusely like chick burning under feathers. Such seems to be the earliest stress of the day but no offense nor wrath taken since it was all to ensure efficaciousness and accountability. I inputted a music cassette to curl through aroma of pleasure to my auditory part and there I lean so calmly to enjoy the rhythm of Carol Grey's single labeled album. "Rays should have appeared before I'm done listening to that" , I said to myself.

Obviously I've forgotten about the weird uncovered disk foremostly seen when I opened the shop door. It was of course the prior reason I foremostly thought we'd been robbed, but again the pertinence of the disk's weirdness availed when suddenly a breezy wind turbulence tossed the disk right in front of me.
Swiftly I picked it up. I checked through it frontal and back page to really confirm it has no label. " What is this? Who dropped this here? Why the wind? Why am I really feeling strange?"  Those were question chopping within me, demanding thorough answers, but whom to bell the cat majorly turned the issue. I paused the sweetest tune of heavens I was playing earlier on and tried to at least check what the disk contained.
Our home town was the biggest amidst the lot at its rural peak. The natural saints and assents from firmament eroding through atmosphere is unimaginable. That was all that the video disk reminded me at foreplay. Chiefs and the prominents amidst were in due time shown as accompanied with the softest sober sound effect reflecting underneath. I turned immediately nervous in a while when within the video tape my family house got suddenly displayed. Immediately I started asking myself what the strange disk could suddenly be all about. Ornaments that surrounded our environment automatically lost their colors and in a jiffy I sighted foot prints trailing through a lead to our living room.
To know who really covered the video was something almost impossible but I care less about that since I'd gone damn anxious to know from within the video whose foot prints were slated outside. Slowly I took my eyes pasted to the figure I frightenly gaze abound. Behold, it was me with blood stain all over my white cloth and there was mama Tom lying in pool of blood. I screamed out loud that those at the next shop phase could hear. They actually ran to my aid, thinking maybe I've gotten stuck to danger. And when they got really to me.
The television set with which I was considerably watching the most horrible Gothic movie of my life got Shuttered. It switched itself off, covering a retort of electrical descrepancy through a light spark. Was I really in danger as they'd thought or was I not? They could only gaze the weirdest part of me for the first time. Nothing they could do than throw questions that I couldn't really stoop to answer nor hear since I'd been sentenced lost in disbelief. They could see me sweating profusely as if a had a national rain fallen on me alone. "what happened?" I heard them questioned, but answering that could only swing me closer to my astounding television set which has suddenly enjoyed showing me the unbelievables.
Could I have called that evil or something else? It was never my usuals to believe the cracks and hum of the forest. Things I don't usually believe suddenly got me threatened as those I believed flew frail in sky. I tried to wake myself off slumber but no, it's real life trots. Immediately after the uninvited solicitors had gone, I picked the cassette, packaged it into a sealed up box of refuse and threw it to one stream flowing not less than few meters away. I waited to see really that the whole waste got sewed away without ado of doubt. Pam Pam!, I dusted my hand off stains that my fingers must in anxious rage to see dead thing that got it  panicking. I turned, took my leave and never looked back, just like one pays obeisance for rituals and sacrifices.
Getting back to shop seem to be a clear dense of relief. Kyle was all waiting my return, wondering where really i could have been for more than twenty minutes. I smiled at her, waging the weigh of my joy upon fact that even the dream I had of her was nothing serious but a played tape that was meant to be played without farther contemplation. Her hug percified my heart and released the bounded chain tied around my neck to absolutely relay freedom. Even without telling her nothing, she asked why my face looked pale and there I stood, piling up defenses as if I were to answer a jury. Definitely, all my responses to her questions were lies. I wouldn't stand a chance to risk her peace. "I'd rather be bothered than getting her bothered ", I said to myself, vouching never to vent out to her about my dreams.
"It's none of her business", I recapped.
I have something urgent to tell you Tom. I seem been trailed by some men of recent. I nearly got raped last night at the fierce cut of our street. Some guys were they, smoking, dishing oil and swallowing alcoholic drinks. I did not actually know them but the way they spoke somewhat affirm that they knew me somewhere. I heard of dad's name from one of them. And it was then I remembered dad putting up flatter beyond his capability. He seldom get himself into trouble sometimes and that is exactly what has happened. Stop there, I heard aloud, more like a guard shouts a loud at a caught thief. I wanted to run but was afraid of the current state of the country. Some might look normal outside but be innately mad. I felt the touch of my back(butt) by someone but wouldn't even care to know whom the person was .
Kyle kept vomiting the irritating scenario and looked up to me as one does to ancestors but who am I to play the hero. My frail muscles could not try to demolish stumps talkless of fighting against molestation for modesty, respect.

"I forgot to tell you he's a gambler. Tell me who finds prudence in calling his dad Gambler this days. Mummy had wanted to pack off his face once even before she passed away. Who knows with whom he'd gamble this time to have placed my life in danger", Kyle added in a moment but all I could do was attest her cold words of appeasement. Never would she leave my side bothered anyways. I patted her shoulder with my left hand. Drag her through and offered her the warmest asset I could offer then. A hug. Who knew my own plight anyways? The war that that I'd really Been fighting within. Take it or leave it, I really needed been pampered. I almost left her leased when suddenly she gave me the unmerited kiss of my life. Trust me when I say a deep kiss chases worry. Funny, isn't? The soft petal skin part locked with mine with rinse of suchlike of  moisture that got the lame healed allusionally. No need to ask of proof, I suppose. I nearly forget my worries until she announced her departure since it's really being the hottest phase of the day.

I gripped Kyle's hand and assured her nothing would wrong with her. But even at the entrance phase of the shop, Sarah picked a labeled-less disk off ground, thinking she was at least helping her Man with his goods, yet i got damn stunned again to see the samelike of disk that almost got me mad some hours ago. "Take this" ,she uttered as if it were mine. Who am i to say no? Just like I said, I'd rather prefer to yarn my burden with myself.

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