Chapter 6

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Days dispersed in windy range as the owner of the cassette didn't show up yet. Even what seem watched couldn't stop refreshing. I'd almost forgotten about it if not for such sanitation imployed by kendy. "Who owes this and what really is compiled within ", he questioned again and again, while stuck to no surprise, I got agitated to knowing really what plot seem entrenched within. Such retort is consequent . It was my boss who placed it through as all that got displayed at fore of watch meant no sense as we'd both expected, not until suddenly a red car got tumbled thrice right at phase of an eye blink. Definitely it would not be arguable to attest faster death of people within but the so fatalities attached emotions got quite simply displayed when the tumbled car trolled to cover a passer by. The accompanied victim seem to be someone I indeed know as Sarah, but who am I to be so sure of such attestation when really just her back pose got displayed. "God forbid bad thought", I soliloquy quite swiftly, rebuking the loss of whom I cherish. Nothing got displayed than that. "What is this all about ", kendy questioned looking into my eyes and duly awaiting a reasonable response even when my eye twinkle yelled not a single word. He furiously removed it, threw it at wall as if it should just disperse into waind wind of no trace. I packed the cassette's broken pieces and got them disposed. No lesson learnt. Nothing within. But the plot seem different this time.

Really Sarah is dead. So I heard in three days time. How on earth would she? "She just met with an accident", some say, while some other disposed she got murdered. Whom I should really believe, I don't know. But it's quite obvious I lost my balance in recent days. I didn't know if really I should believe the death or not. Going to work became quite a problem even to mourn a lọver whom I'd never asked out. But asking out apart, must beautiful ones die? If not beautiful ones, then who should die?
Even mother told me I was being too attached to the matter so far I was never the one who got her killed. But I don't know why I felt quite wild and guilty of Sarah's death. The cassette I watched, i recalled, had this intent of her presence. Was it all real? Leaving home was quite my long time envisioned plan. But perhaps this incidence could be an aid to balance such dream, I assured myself as even my mom got convinced that I really deserve a break off home to escape prompted anxiety.
Days in the city couldn't just sway emotionless. People have gut and fuss to draw them abound. Some money, some hustling and some fun. The pleasure of which individuals incure depend solely on either their positive or negative string attached.
How then would I ever keep showing to such a work place without owning a pinch of huge motivation? Some days after my resumption to work,I had a clear glance at a dangling reflex. Just as if a diamond got swiftly show to ray of sun. Nothing could be compared to the pleasant smells that got me knocked off my feet as even my dismayed retort of thought to my regular boss' reproach got dispersed as if my christ has come.
"Tom, be calm. Nervous-less. You might have a surdid figure to think of this days than wreck of Titanic",
I muttered to myself as I kept forward a trail closer to the fore shelves, drilling through irrelevancy as if I've really gotten a big deal to do. yet I've got nothing than pleasing my gone-array eyes with unstained acknowledgement of irresistible beauty.
She is Fair. No doubt about that.
Mama Tom wouldn't even ever had thought his son could have grown perverted this much since all I had to offer at home was total ominous tributes and pretense. No one doesn't like better things. But Who really am I then to recall my sexual motivation to Mom whose obvious daily sermon is
"beware of women".
I even Wonder sometimes if she's one of those I'd ever stoop to beware of.

"Bossssssss! Shift a bit to the left", I innately prayed.
And as if I was the saint of the cut residence, he really shifted. I grinned. Bending through to pick something from next four but helped legged table. Changing the table  has been my first notion since I resumed work but my boss wouldn't even utter through a reply.
"I wouldn't say more than sent", I told my spirit.
But karmal of disobedience is not always a cake to be fed on by kids alone. The more He moved out of my view as I'd prayed,the lesser i see. The blemished less hip that seem so random and balance as a normal man would desire was what foremost-ly toppled my attention. later the whole figure eight got unveiled, even though I was only given the ticket to look through her from behind. "what I've seen so far is perfect", i mumbled to myself even when the anxiousness increases. Seeing the back doesn't worth seeing afore.
"What is she like?" "Mermaid of human?"
Those were obvious questions tampering my innocent mind until the injured four legged table intervened. Perhaps boss has gotten fast lost into wheels of offense for the customer. He hated delaying his pickers. Hence his restlessness got begotten as he carelessly lean on such table who has long been ranging complaint of reparation without been heard.
Gezzz! I heard the Fall of trunk.
Of human.
It was my boss, rolling and wallowing majestically in study mud with his white top wailing a pain of wash.
"Should I laugh or say sorry? ",I asked myself.
But I've always been humane to the brim even though I might have been deceiving myself about that. I ran out as if been chased to his aid just to help him up. But I still can't stop asking myself what really my Swifty race was all about.
Was it really to his aid or to quench my thirst of seeing a beauty?
Anyways,the answer remains with me and my God. But surely my boss was gentle as his itchy loudest voice raised as always. A nearby chair came to his rescue soonest as he sat like just a recently impeached governor.
my dreamed just met lady softly utter to appease the stress she has caused and there I couldn't hold speechless abound such angelic and hospitable disposition.
"Never mind", I answered.
Just like I was the one watered for a fall.
She looked straight into my eyes, wondering from which planet i came. Who knows whether the look was of shame or acclimatization. I was somewhat engrossed to keeping direct eye contact. Hindustan movies won't kill me, anyways. I gave them some time while I was home than here. Her eye balls got me caught to brim of excessive heart pump as that could be easily heard out of such my rhythmic lousy incessant nose breathe. Why won't I look lost when I just got found by human I've never seen before?  The atmosphere was about being romantic when "Humpty Sharma,who had a great fall" cut through and made my place in such his mini company known to the world.
He vented me back to my messengerial place as I wondered if that alone would not build through a pinch of disinterest amidst we the dreamy just met lovers.
"Won't you stop this bleed?"
He asked, while I regained my sturdy consciousness as I got deported from a flee to United kingdom-like thought.
I was hindered from revolving through the just pleasurably had atmosphere and there I thought of really stopping the blood rinsing through bruise which my boss had got. Iodine wouldn't take it so easy on him, I thought to myself as I ran all in to fetch through its bottle. lo and behold...Indeed it did than i thought. My boss squinched his ugly face under-arm , gnashing teeth and feeling just exactly the pain felt by a wounded sales boy who got called off emotional realm abruptly. Our customer could not wait to watch the gothic phase for Long since perhaps,she could not bear it. She took her borrowed cassette and dash off the phase majestically with her'back' following her. I was left stuck to running tasks to ease my boss' wound,but trust me, I enjoy watching horror movies. Especially one where bosses got bruised because of meanness and untold stinginess to one's self. I got ordered to bury the old aged table that day though. But the death of the furniture really made me met one whom I'd dreamt of before we met.
Since I was five, I'd longed to be villain. More of the reason I took watching home videos an hobby and ended up in movie selling factory. Why villain and not the better side? What one desire differ from will of others. In life, some prayed really for the best, while some for the miniest they can own to survive. Some greedy, some selfless. So I can't call myself altruistic since the best I'd wish for all but bestest for myself. That shouldn't be a sin I suppose since even the law of nature attested for survival of the fittest. Why then with my utmost notion to be an actor, would I ever imagine been tortured? Protagonists to me are the poorest of a movie. How? They own just the fortune to suffer. Maybe then they get justified at the resonance of the movie and thence call themselves a worthy conqueror. Anyways, personally I recal such a pyhrric victory of which lives were lost but war got won.
But for a villain, He grab the best of chance seen to affirm superiority. Power. Fame. Wealth and pleasures even at the detriment of the hero. A villain summon all sweetest retorts and give the left over for the hero. Hence he kills, fight, war and destroy. There are limits to what a hero can do, but a villain can do anything. And perhaps, a villain dies with the hero. What a great loss and wall in hell would it be for the both parties when duly trail to hell. Those were my innate ruminations at the early stage of my life. Though I was chanced to go to school. Yet with such a big dream, the course I studied was never in a way related to Theatre art. How swayed was then the so nurtured dream of the then days. All are gone. Gone to stream of extinction.
Going to school on its own doesn't merit a collar job. So the best I thought I could do after years of formal studies was learn a lenient chore to ensure my occasional upkeep. If not daily one.  "Koke" wasn't a really a good friend mama Tom would ever have loved to see me with. But she was left with no choice than let me out to learn car mending work. "Who would last more than a month learning mechanic work? ", I mocked myself as it was quite obvious I wouldn't last long right there. I took my flight off there in mean time to land myself eight here anyways, though I didn't assume it a dirty call but a phase of hurdle boys must cross to be a man. Hustle!

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