Chapter 1

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I thought it was i who made the girl this way
( I thought it was me) - I came to find out she's like that every day.

Few more lines after.

Show her that the B-I-V was damn good, understood?
I never had my boat rocked like that before, YO!!

A lot of lines after.

- - - got me straight, and I was ready to go, yeah!
B! (yeah.)
B! (yeah..)
D! (yeah...)

Not this crazy song playing when I'm trying to get some peacefully well deserved sleep, before my shift begins at Old Berkley's Rentals. My eyes stared at the dusty light bulb hung on the ceiling, probably watching sleep retiring from my sight. Oh! What to do? I really needed to sleep. I faced the other side of my room, deciding to engage in the process that allures sleep. For seconds, I struggled with paying rapt attention to the silence my sensation was trying to produce. As it seemed almost possible, the music that had woken me up previously, cornered my efforts and overtook the silence. The anger rejuvenating my body had led me off my bed, venting blows and kicks at the blank space in front of me.
" Goddamitshikijhkrs#@!"
The mug on my reading table had stopped my inaudible internal trantrum. It contact with the wooden floor had me frozen in shock, till it stopped stumbling and rolling around. The remaining tea in it had spilled.
" Tea got spilled, when I was not even thirsty. Haha!" I laughed heartily at my self made joke. But a miracle the mug did not scatter. I now believe the ancient stories about mugs being the strongest among all cups. Mama would have definitely fed my eyes to the chickens, if such had happened! I mentally reminded myself to return the mug back to it original abode. The Kitchen Street, obviously. That old bachelor had better stop playing such old sex alluring song, this early afternoon! Right after I've replaced the mug on the safest part of the table;
" Tom!"
Mama had called. Urgh! She does not even need to shout that loud in this small house. I can even hear her whisper, alright.
" Are you playing dead on me ,boy!"
Mother had appeared at the doorway. This should be no surprise since it happens all the time. But I'd always jump in fright, whenever she comes all scary HEYA at my doorway. The small house, though.
" Uhm. Mama, you spared me no chance to return your call. What do you need me to do." I replied, smiling. Mother's gaze wandered around my room for seconds before stopping on the mug. For a moment, my heart trembled. Was there a crack on the mug that she might have noticed, cause believe me, Mother's eyes could find the missing x in an algebra, without informing the equation.
" Would you run an errand for me, boy? I need you to get some breads on your way from your shift." Mother requested turning to leave, " Take some from your paycheck to get 'em breads." She added, her voice echoing down the hallway. I felt relieved when I noticed silence was all I've got with me at the moment. I checked the mug, thanking my stars no crack was evident. The generational mug should not be destroyed by my hands.
" This mug is older than you, Tom. Your great grandmother, your grandmother, myself and passed to a boy like you, 'cause heavens did not bless my womb with a girl."
Mother's entry words coloured my imagination. It felt as though, I just watched a clip of her, recapping those words. As much as I do not want to be a destroyer, I definitely prefer passing down a huge amount of wealth, to a history cup.
I instantly debunked the thought, deciding to start my day already. Afternoon's still way far, but an early roll check would not be painful. Whistling here and there, I had enjoyed my minutes handsome makeover. All geared up and excited to face the world. With one more stylish look at the mirror, I stepped out my room, oozing with all confidence.
" Mama, I would be back in the late night!" I bellowed, as I walked out of the house. Mother had answered with a grunt. Hmph! Whatever that was, I would not be repeating my words. I finally walked out of the house, marching towards the street in exasperation. I should have gotten used to this everyday grunt response. At least,I could be glad I got some sort of response. I kept company of myself by picking stones on the street lawn and throwing them out again. The shop is still a long way to go, so taking my--
" Would you rather stone me to death and get all joyful about it, Tommy!" Mrs Rissedoe hauled, picking up the stone that had hit her, feigning to throw it back at me. I had dodged by impulse. She chuckled, carefully throwing the stone farther away from us. I maintained my stance, wrestlng with the frown my mind was creating.
"Going to the rentals, this early?" Mrs Rissedoe questioned.
" Probably, Mrs Rissedoe. Securing an early roll check wouldn't hurt me." I replied, my mind drifting to why Mother didn't ask about that. She would have asked if I was a girl, sadly.
" Okay boy. Bring back home some good old movies that could keep an old lady entertained." Mrs Rissedoe had requested. I smiled at her, knowingly.
" An old lady has to keep herself busy!" I had appended her favourite quote. Of course, that got her smiling.
" You sure know me well, boy." We laughed at the moment. Plenty of times I had always completed her statement. It never gets old but unquestionably monotonous. After little pleasantries, we had went our seperate ways. I must say I pity her, 'cause hell would be difficult if one's significant other is no more and the kids had gone seperate ways in search for greener pasture, sending some money to her, thrice in three six months. A bit unfair, I must say. But life is past unfair, nowadays. Being a good child to my mother,had only brought me boredom and longtime yearning to leave the forsaken small town. Everyday just feels like an infamous movie been replayed. There's nothing in this small town to search for.The small town is so familiar to me now that, I am immune to it. Nothing strange has happened or is happening, or I could count knowing everyone's secrets as strange, though. Everyone is used to getting their secrets rumored, before it even gets to them, sometimes. Heavily or pitifully; the outcome of the rumored secrets are always based on the peneterator's emotions, at the moment it was conveyed. Few weeks after does not even proffer if the people might stop talking about the supposed secret was forgotten. The town people will still talk about it all year round, at any given opportunity. That definitely shows how this suburban could get boring and stale, no one was busy with new things to do.
Half an hour later, I had gotten to the rentals. The shop was opened, but the closed signboard was still out. Mr Kendy must have some business here at the shop for this early visitation. I walked into the shop, my eyes meeting with his for the briefiest seconds. I decided to move closer to him.
" Good afternoon, Mr Kendy. It's a surprise seeing you this early in the shop." I greeted, masking my curiosity of his visitation.
" Must I have a reason to come to my shop, early?" A harsh reply I must say. My lips trembles to speak, finding good words that would not upset my hot-headed boss.
" I came to pick a piece I left behind. And I brought in some new movies." He had replied, his attention still with whatever he was doing. I nodded at his response, still curious about the 'piece' he had mentioned. I watched his back, diligently waiting for him to give me an order. As though my thought was spoken aloud, he had turned to stare hard at me.
" Old boy, you are not getting paid just to stand and watch my back. Get some work doing, prick!" I jumped in fear, quickly get a hold of the new movies, sitting lazily on the counter. Mr Kendy is quite uncomfortable to be around with.

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