Chapter 7 - Logan Enters the Party

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"Heavens no. Prince Roman is one of my best friends, I simply want to make sure he is okay."

"He's fine, now more about you. Why were you looking through the books?"

The hands around his wrists tightened, not in an aggressive way, but rather as a show of his excitement. It wasn't often that Logan saw this level of emotional outbursts among anyone, it simply wasn't common in the castle. Even Roman held himself in more than he wanted to, he could tell. Logan had always been able to tell.

"I enjoy gaining knowledge, and this library is rather expansive. There are books here that I thought lost to the ages, and others that I didn't know existed." The enthusiasm that radiated off the other man was contagious. "I want to learn."

"If that's what you want, why don't we learn together."

There was something in the way that he had said 'together' that led Logan to believe that it wasn't an innocent invitation.

"Remus, did you find my book yet?" Logan heard a deep strong voice that immediately sent a chill down his spine. Shortly after, a man walked into the library, pausing as he looked at the two of them. "This is completely expected."

"Does this man often accost people who have found their way here?"

"People don't normally find their way into my cave. What brings you here?"

"I am looking for Prince Roman of Nevarci." Maybe it was a bad idea, to be honest, but he had a feeling lying wouldn't get him anywhere. Something about the man in front of him spoke of more power than Logan would ever understand.

"In my library?"

Logan blushed a bit, "I might have gotten distracted."

"How about a deal? You may read any of these books whenever you like, but you must stay under my protection? After all, if you are gaining knowledge from my reservoir, I deserve to see the outcome."

He would probably never have the chance to see a library like this again, but something felt off. "That deal seems far too good to be true."

"I do promise, my protection comes with some drawbacks of its own. You may find I am a bit overbearing at times," The man smirked at his own comment, jerking his head to the side and Logan felt the pressure get off of his chest. "What do you say?"

His hand was outstretched, and though Logan wasn't sure what he was getting into, he nodded, grabbing the hand that would help him up.

He felt a slight burning sensation on his wrist, not exceedingly painful but mildly unpleasant.

"Wonderful, my name is Janus, and I am a dragon of my word."

Logan looked down at the mark on his wrist, eyes growing wide. "Oh," He whispered.

"Now, let me take you to Roman so you can see for yourself that he is safe."

"I'll take him!" Remus shouted, reaching out to grab Logan's hand, already dragging him off.

What had he gotten himself into?

His mind was whirling as he was dragged through the corridors of the cave system. It was huge and rather impressive but Logan was also confused.

"Not to be rude, but could you explain to me why I have this marking on my wrist now."

"You're part of dad's hoard now. Hehe whored, anyway it just basically means you can't hurt me or anyone else in the hoard and you'll also be protected and shit. Dad's protective and all that, but it's really not a big deal."

"Does this mean I will be unable to leave his domain?"

"I mean, technically it just means you need permission. I think dad has a few other humans he's claimed but they all went off to live their lives. This situation is a bit different."

"Fascinating, I would love to learn more."

"You're welcome to come to my room tonight, I'll teach you all kinds of things." He wiggled his eyebrow and Logan knew he meant more than why the advisor was trying to sign up for.

"I think it's best if I focus on taking care of Roman first."

"Eh, suit yourself." He shrugged and shoved Logan into a door nearby.

The scale and grandeur of the room Logan was pushed into was surprising. Though, even more surprising was Roman sitting at a desk, sketching and drawing, multiple papers strewn around him that had already been discarded.

"Prince Roman of Nevarci, you have a visitor," Janus drawled, before stepping back out of the room. Immediately, Roman looked up at Logan, a soft look filling his eyes as he noticed his friend.

"Lo-" His eyes wandered to the new marking on Logan's wrist. "Oh Logan, what have you done?"

"He asked to protect me in exchange for access to his library. I am curious as to what other repercussions are going to be involved but for the time being, I am safe, and you are safe, and that's the most important factor."

"I am glad you are safe, but... it's hard to believe there is much reason to be thankful. I believe I'm going to be stuck here for the rest of my life."

Logan frowned, standing next to Roman and gently rubbing his back. "We will figure something out, Prince Roman. I don't believe I have ever seen you this downcast, I would like to help fix it."

"Please, just call me Roman, and I'm not sure you can fix it, Lo."

Maybe he couldn't but he was sure as hell going to try.

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