*Peter pov*

Friday night finally arrived. I couldn't tell if I was excited or dreading it.

'It will be fun right' I tried to convince myself.

"What do you think?" I turned to see Ned wearing some sort of weird hat. I raised my eyebrow at him, as aunt May walked him.

"I think it's stylish" she said. " you look very handsome." She turned to me as I stood up from the couch. "You both do. Now, come on let's go. You don't want to be late to your first party." she winked.

"This, this isn't our first party" I lied.

*y/n pov*

Friday night had finally arrived. You hadn't been to a party in ages, so we're quite hyped for this one. Especially as you were going with a new crowd of people.

Normally, you would've gotten ready with Liz and or Betty, but tonight you were getting ready with MJ at her house and Peter's aunt was dropping you off.

You walk out of the bathroom to see MJ in her everyday style, jeans, a t-shirt, and a flannel shirt tied around her waist.

You laughed and asked "ever try a dress?"

"not really my thing." she replied " you look dope though."

"Thanks" you smiled. Then the doorbell rang and as you opened the door, you saw the boys waiting for you.

"Nice hat." you say to Ned. He grinned and ran his finger around its edge. You looked at Peter and noticed him looking at you weirdly.

*Peter pov*

I rang MJ's doorbell and waited patiently for someone to answer.

As the door swung open, I stood stunned. y/n looked gorgeous. She was wearing a silk purple dress and a gold necklace with a love heart charm in the middle. Her hair looked so soft, and it was done up in a half ponytail. It was so nicely curled. Altogether, she just looked so...

"hot" I muttered under my breath.

"What did you say?" she asked innocently.

"Oh nothing." I felt my face turning bright red. "I just, I thought you looked hot."

She giggled. It was so cute. "Oh, I thought you said hi."

"Yeah that too." She walked out the door and MJ followed.

"lol dork" MJ whispered.

We got back to the car and I opened the back seat door for them to climb in. y/n got in last and winked at me as she said "you don't look too bad yourself."

*y/n pov*

It was about a 5 minute drive from MJ's to Liz's house. You could hear music blasting through the open door as the car pulled up. Liz greeted you as you walked through the house to her living room.

"You look stunning y/n" she told you.

"As do you" you replied, out of politeness.

She looked at Ned and complemented his hat, then turned to Peter. (MJ had already walked off).

"Wow, you look ... great" Liz addressed Peter and you laughed as he turned red like a literal tomato.

You walked into the kitchen to get yourself a drink. There was a large punch bowl in the middle of the table so you helped myself to some of that. You leaned against a wall and finished it. When you went for a second cup, someone behind you caught your attention.

"Looking fire tonight y/n"

"What do you want Flash?" You didn't turn back until you had filled your cup again. When you turned, he was close to you, like, really close. He put his hand on your waist and you slapped it away.

"Fuck off." You shoved past him and went to find MJ. You passed Peter by the stairs talking to Liz. God, he was so smitten.

"hey MJ lets dance" you shouted over the music as you approached her.

"Nah, I'm good" she yelled back.

"Suit yourself." You walked into the middle of the room and started to dance solo.

A few hours passed and it was nearly midnight. You had had quite a few, well a lot, more drinks and were now lying on the bathroom floor feeling dizzy.

You were so tempted to pass out there and then when the door opened and someone walked in. Your eyes were still closed as they picked you up and held your hand, then dragged you out the room. You felt yourself being put down on a bed and you rolled over to go to sleep. Whoever was there rolled you back over so you were facing the ceiling and you opened your eyes.

"FLASH WHAT THE FUCK" you yelled, before he shut you up with a kiss. You tried to get up but his hands kept your wrists in place.

"Oh come on you know you want this. You want me." He bent down to kiss you again, but you had managed to get your hand free and slapped him across the face. He fell back slightly, enough for you to get away from him.

"Bitch" he grabbed your hand and you tripped as you tried to let go. At this point, you were too dizzy to process what was going on. You heard another person come into the room. You heard yelling. Someone helped you up, and you got to your feet slowly, desperately hoping it wasn't Flash.

"Are you ok?" the voice was distorted, but you instantly recognized it as Peter's. You let yourself fall into his arms.

"I'm so sorry. We shouldn't have come" you cried, trying not to let the tears in your eyes go.

"It's ok" he rested his head on top of yours and you couldn't help letting the tears fall.

"Hey, Parker!" Flash yelled from behind. Peter ignored it and started walking you down the stairs. "How did you get that hoe to touch you. She never lets me do anything to her."

Peter let go and you held onto the railing for support. You turned to see Peter punch Flash, and his nose started to bleed. Things just got way too serious.

You continued down the stairs, trying to leave. 

As you got to the bottom of the stairs, you sped up towards the door. You were in so much of a rush that you missed the very last step. You fell again, and everything went black.

This is just great. It's the second time you have blacked out in one school term. Bucky's never going to let you leave the house.
Damn it, y/n.

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