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Men may come and men may go, but I go on forever.

It had become a habit for me to remember this poem every time I was at a brook. Funny way for my childhood to peep out from time to time. I had always liked things unchanged. Forever was unchanging and the reason why the poem stuck to me. I was bent over, shin deep into the cold running water of the brook, washing the fruits we had picked fresh. The pebbles underneath massaged and relaxed my sore feet. The sun was out high up in the sky making us pump sweat like blood. I heard the girls fighting behind and I scoffed at their crudeness. One among them was a fully grown adult and the other a fully grown teenager. Even after eighteen years of their existence together, they still couldn't agree with each other for once.

"Bailey! I'll let you be the judge. Who is late most of the time between Riley and I?" No. not this, not again. Reed always made me choose between them both.

"And you can't take Riley's side just because she is your best friend." protested Reed and Riley looked at me eagerly. They didn't really care about my opinion. All they wanted to see was who did I favour more. And Reed was somehow obsessed with that information.

"Neither of you have an absolute majority over the other. I can't choose one. How about I say, there is only one person who is on time among us and it's not you Baker girls."

"Oh God Bailey! Can't you for once take my side? Just to humor me?" something about Reed's tone sounded like she was genuinely disheartened. But I could care less. Riley was the one who was my friend and it was already consuming enough to entertain her presence. I wasn't obliged to be friends with her teenage sister as well. If it weren't for our kindergarten teacher, I wouldn't be friends with Riley either, because that woman, with her underdeveloped sense of humour, thought we both should sit together because our names rhymed. And that has continued for 20 years now. If not, I could have been spending my summers in my room reading a book, instead of having a picnic with these girls. Although I didn't approve of my kindergarten teacher's humour, I was thankful to her that I scored myself a great friend. Riley was someone I wished to treasure for life.

By the time we settled down, the sun had already begun going down. Popping the sliced fruits into our mouths, we enjoyed the warm evening. And just like the sun drowning behind the horizon, all the three of us drowned in the big dreams that spun in our heads. Dreams of making it to the big city, sitting by a stylish cafe, sipping on overpriced coffee and pretending life was better there. The mere thought had us grinning like little kids in love. I slowly closed my eyes and felt the cool breeze graze my cheek sensually. Hmm..how peaceful. I felt a body slowly snuggle itself against me, laying its head on my spread out arm. I knew who it was and that's why it annoyed me. I slowly opened my eyes and tilted my head to give Reed a stinky eye, hoping for the thousandth time that she would get the hint. She was snuggled comfortably against me with her eyes shut tight. Reed, for heaven's sake. You aren't a dog and neither am I.

"I can literally see you trying to control your laugh. Move away Reed, it's hot." I said, nudging her body out of my way. Like I said, Riley was my friend and it had taken me years to get used to her skinship. I had no plans of letting her sister do the same. Reed pushed herself closer and tightened her arm around my torso this time. I was sure I couldn't be annoyed anymore.

"You are so soft, Bailey. And you smell so good. Let me be, this one time." hymned Reed.

"I stink of old books. And it's literally summer. Move before you give me a rash."

"Not my problem." she happily replied, knowing well how it got on my nerves.

"Reed, don't annoy Bailey. You know how uncomfortable she is with being touched, right?". Riley said, finally giving her attention to this awkward situation. But right when I was about to thank her and yank her sister away, she snuggled on the other side of my body, with both the girls laughing their hearts out. Just wow.

I sighed heavily and gave up. Sandwiched between the loud Baker sisters who always got their way with me, I closed my eyes once again as life was disappointing yet peaceful.

Three kisses and a quarrelWhere stories live. Discover now