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My head throbbed from the lack of sleep. My eyes burned from not having shut them for hours. And Riley was shouting at me saying I should have woken her up if I was finding it hard to sleep. I didn't deserve the scolding because I sort of rescued her sister and saved everyone a hell lot of trouble but I guess I couldn't have told her that because then I should also have to tell her how her drunk sister kissed me and won't talk to me after that.

Reed refused to leave her room ever hours later she woke up. It was so evident that she was waiting for me to leave. But a hungover kid can stay hungry only for so long. I felt like a predator tiring its prey out before hunting. But that's exactly what this situation was. She had an explanation that was long overdue and the interest was simply piling up. I supposed she couldn't run from me forever.

I was wrong. I was gravely wrong. She never left her room. It was already evening and time for Riley to open her flower shop, so we left. And that was the last time I saw Reed for a week to come. After that incident, Reed continued to ghost me. At this point in this fiasco, I was truly hurt. Reed was beginning to rub on my respect. I was never okay with how she always got her way around with me, but neither was I offended by it. I always liked to believe she had her own charm, but this was not okay. She was treading a muck puddle and boy would she be wrong to hope not to face dirty consequences. I wanted Reed to own up to her behaviour and I was determined to make her do it.

I made up work to casually drop by the Bakers' everyday after work. Riley began suspecting that something was bothering me and I was coaxing her to finally drop the bomb one day. I wish I could, Riley, I desperately wish I could. But I'm afraid you would not want to be the one to help me with this. Reed was nowhere to be seen. A few days later I learned that she was taking baking classes in the evening to help her get into baking school and that's why I wasn't able to catch her after work. I was mad at her but I missed her showing up at the store everyday with sweets. Funny how I was addicted to the baker instead of the bakes. Bloody Reed Baker, owning up to her name. My anger wanted me to track her baking class down and confront her on her way, but of course my pride was bigger than my need for justice. So I stayed put in my store with my fuming rage threatening to burn down the entire legacy any moment.

It was the sixth day of 'Ghosting Bailey: Part II' and I had had enough of this fun. I was done waiting around, so I hatched a plan. I spent my savings to buy a book on baking by Reed's favourite patissier. I set my Dad to pretend this was a book donation and he'd rather Reed have it. He would also be the one to phone her and lure her into the store. Fridays were the days for me to pick new packing paper for the store, which meant Reed would think it's safe for her to come. Only it won't be. Then Dad was supposed to come up with a favour to ask that would make her enter the storeroom. And after that, it was showtime.

The plan was foolproof because she was a little mouse that would run blindly at the first sight of cheese. You are a goner today, Reed Baker. I patiently waited inside the storeroom, like the predator I was being. I heard her talking to my father as she walked towards the storeroom. The moment she entered the room, I shut it behind her and manically whispered,

"Time's up, little mouse."

The look on her face was priceless. She reacted exactly like an animal caught in the trap. I might have taken the drama a little further than comfortable but I had suffered a lot. I was the actual victim there.

We both sat opposite to each other and stared at our feet, for none of us knew what to say. The little room was making the tension in the air dense and our feelings difficult to escape. I was waiting for her to speak after I had laid my question as to why she had been ghosting me. It hurt me to see her sitting so small like she had done something wrong. I hated seeing her hang her head low for absolutely anything. Reed, although annoying, was the most genuine girl I had ever met. She wore her heart on her sleeve and knew not to lie. She couldn't hurt a fly, so let alone me. She had done nothing in her entire life to be ashamed of.

"Reed, Look at me." she hesitantly lifted her head. "Have I done anything to upset you? Why are you being like this?" I asked as softly as I could so she knew how concerned I was and the expression on her face mellowed.

"I was busy with baking classes, Bailey. I'm sorry, I will make time for you." Make time for me? The patience I swore to keep vanished in a second. She ghosted me for weeks and pretends that I'm the one at fault? She had ticked off a bomb and I wasn't going to stop it from exploding.

"Excuse me? Do I look like I'm pining for your attention? You have been avoiding me like plague as if I did something to you. In fact you are the one that did something to me. Do you remember anything from the night I saved you from that dreaded party?" the bomb exploded. Reed's body solidified at the mention of her shameful act. I could see the wheels turning in her head.

"I don't know what you are talking about." she shamelessly lied.

"Are you sure you don't?"

"I don't, Bailey. I was drunk. Why? Do you have something you want me to remember?" She sounded challenging. Lies. That was the first time I heard Reed lie. The impact of it was so powerful it engulfed my explosion and dissolved it into thin air. Just what kind of a reason do you have that you are going desperate lengths to hide it?

"You are lying. Reed, you're lying! You have never done that. You kissed me without my consent and I will not count it in for your little game. I know you remember everything. So, why are you being like this?" I was shocked, I was baffled, I was everything but convinced. "I just want you to answer honestly. Why is it so hard for you?" I raised my voice unconsciously. I saw Reed scoff at my words.

"You want me to answer honestly? Why don't YOU answer honestly for once? Why don't you stop lying for once, Bailey?" she raised her voice on top of mine.

"I have never lied to you!"

"You lie to yourself every single day, Bailey. You have never been honest to yourself. You can't even understand your own feelings and lie about it constantly. Now who is the liar among us?"


"What are you even talking about? I was the one who asked you a question. Why are you turning it on me?"

"Oh right. Your bloody question. You want me to answer honestly as to why I have been running from you? Because I have feelings for you, Bailey!" Reed shouted at the top of her lungs. I had never in my entire life seen her blast off like that. My entire body shook from the unexpected turn of events. "And I can never be honest with my feelings because I'm afraid you would treat it poorly. I must always have my best smile and witty lines. It's exhausting to love you Bailey, but I don't have an escape because it is my choice and sadly I don't regret it. Some days, I want to stop thinking about you. And some other days I wonder if everything will turn out well, if I loved you harder. But do you know what keeps me from giving up? Regardless of how much I am able to love you each day, you treat me the same. You are arrogant, yes, but consistent. You don't entertain me, but neither have you shut me out. No matter what I do, how much I annoy you or hurt you, I'm always welcomed into your little world. You let me be me. And that's the reason why I'm so sure there is something you feel about me. And that's exactly why it is hard for me to fall out of love with you, Bailey." Fat tears streamed down her reddish face and she heaved heavily after dumping everything from her head. I was glued to my chair and the philosophical place I was in my life. She had told me a lot of things I never imagined was remotely related to me, but looked like it was. Just as I was beginning to process it all, she spoke again,

"Oh and about the night of the party. I remember everything....very clearly. I'm sorry for kissing you without your consent. So let me give it back." and before I could react, she swiftly walked over to my chair, pulled me by my collar and crashed her lips onto mine. And once again, everything stopped for me. But I recognized that kiss. It was a score settling kiss. It meant we were done. It meant she was letting me go. My heart pounded and my arms went to hold hers as a frail attempt of asking her not to leave. She sucked on my lips long and hard, sucking all my breath, words and sanity out. Looking straight in to my eyeballs, she held my chin firmly between her fingers and whispered,

"Here you go. I returned it. Now we are back to zero." I could hear so much pain in her voice. Reed Baker never ceased to astound me. Her face was red and her eyes were swallowed from the crying. But her strength told me how angry she was. I couldn't understand anything, but I dared not belittle anything that happened now like I usually did. She took a look at me one last time and stormed out of the place, not caring to look back once.

Three kisses and a quarrelWhere stories live. Discover now