"What? What do you mean 'close'?" I said, overtly casual. "He is just a kind superstar who well, has helped me many times....that's it"


"Yeah the usual, common, good ol' help..."

Jay nodded and I gulped. I was pretty sure personally dropping me home multiple times, doing my first aid...all this wasn't exactly common....he had even lent me his freaking bedroom.

Jay didn't stop there. "I thought...well...ehm...you guys were you know.. dating or something."

"Excuse me?" I said quickly and forced out a laughter. "Why on earth would Jungkook date me? I mean why would he date me?? come onnn." I again chuckled, feeling sweaty.

"Okay so then are Lauren and Jungkook dating-"

"NO!" I snapped without meaning to. "Seriously Jay, can we for a second not worry about who is dating who?"I glared at him and he nodded fast. 

There was silence for a while and just when I thought it this discussion was over, Jay spoke again. "Do you know who Sasaeng fans are?"

"Sasaeng?....No, why?"

Jay now looked serious. "Did you know Jungkook is not just the most popular BTS member, but also the most popular KPOP IDOL?"

I smiled, feeling a new sense of pride. He indeed was a meta human, super talented, kind and stunning artist. And to think that I knew a little bit more than his other fans just was so special to me. All species of butterflies erupted in my stomach and I had to keep the blush in check.

I shrugged, pretending to not care. "Yeah, so?"

"SO....he has the most number of sasaeng fans. And let me tell you, when sasaengs find out that their bias is dating or something, they go vicious......so just be careful..."

His tone made me a little wary."We're not dating, Jay."

"Okay I'm just saying...And anyway, idols aren't allowed to date. 2 years ago, Hyunwoo from the band Domino, he got close with a backup dancer, and he was kicked out of the group. And Domino got disbanded."

I started at him. Kicked out? disbanded? This couldn't be real. "This can't be true-"

"It's very much true. Don't you follow Kpop news?" He asked and I shook my head, worry already starting to set in at a fast pace in my mind.

Lauren's words rang in my ears.

There are million reasons why you should stay away from him. Pick one and leave.

I felt an alarm in my head. It yelled 'what the fuck are you doing, getting involved with him, Suseonhwa?!'. I knew I was treading on dangerous grounds but I didn't know it was this bad. For a dark and weak moment, I felt like maybe it was better if I got kicked out of BigHit....Like that, there wont be any threat to his career. No complications...

I stomped my foot, pulling myself away from such thoughts. I can't be weak now. Right now, Lauren is a bigger threat. I will expose her. Even if thats the last thing I do.

"I have to do this for him..." I said, mainly to myself.

"RevG is hosting a party tonight. Maybe that will give us some time to do some investigation..."

"What? A party?"

"Yes. It's on the schedule...don't know if Lauren will attend it or not."

"Where are you going?" he asked, when I stood up.

"If we're going to expose Lauren, we need more help. I'm going to make some calls."Before leaving the canteen, I told Jay what to do next.

It was late afternoon when my phone vibrated. It was Jungkook:

The Idol and the Artist ( a Jk x Makeup Artist story)Where stories live. Discover now